Owen Smith is no ‘Blairite’. His policies are egalitarian and Left-wing

Reading Time: 3 minutes

A wealth tax, ministries for labour and social security, massive infrastructure spending a more cash for the NHS


Owen Smith outlined 20 policies he would campaign on as Labour Party leader and seek to implement as Prime Minister, in a rich speech aimed at the Labour Left.

Smith has been denounced by supporters of Jeremy Corbyn as a ‘Blairite’ since he joined the Labour leadership race, with some even claiming he is ‘pro-austerity’ and wants to privatise the NHS. (It’s not clear why Corbyn would have appointed such a person as his shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions.)

Today’s speech ought to put paid to this charge of Blairism, given the plainly egalitarian nature of his election programme. 

In a blistering attack on inequality in Britain, Smith said people were ‘right to be angry’ about ‘a country where people think the system is rigged against them’ – echoing the populist pitch of Bernie Sanders in the United States.

He proposed a wealth tax on the top one per cent of society – a 15 per cent tax on their unearned wealth (i.e. from assets like property) – and pledged to reverse the Tories’ millionaire tax cut and cuts to inheritance, capital gains and corporation tax, along with bringing back the 50p rate for those earning over £150,000.

This, he said, would fund a four per cent real terms increase in spending on the NHS every year in the next parliament. (Note: he wants to increase public spending on the NHS, not privatise it.)

One of his more radical proposals was to scrap the Department for Work and Pensions and replace it with a Ministry for Labour and a Department for Social Security.

He also wants to ban all zero hours contracts and replace them with minimum hours contracts, end the Tories’ freeze on public sector wages, repeal the Trade Union Act and put workers on all companies’ remuneration committees.

As a guiding principle, he wants to focus on equality of outcome, not just equality of opportunity, and repeated his pledge for a £200 billion ‘British New Deal’, a development fund to build social and economic infrastructure.

You can read the full list of today’s 20 policies below. They form an undeniably a Left wing, democratic socialist platform – and there is likely more to come.  

Put simply, this is a set of policies Corbyn supporters would have praised from the rooftops, had they been uttered by Corbyn or his team in any precise and easily digestible way, (rather than buried in a long speech of generalities and things ‘we should look at very carefully’).

Indeed, the Corbyn team did try to claim credit for some of the policies before Smith even spoke today, in particular his plan for a Ministry for Labour dedicated to quality jobs and workers’ rights.

They said shadow chancellor John McDonnell had announced this earlier in the year, but as Smith quipped in his Q&A, this was the first most people had heard of it, and this can’t be blamed solely on an anti-Labour media.

(Smith added that this policy had never been debated at any Corbyn and McDonnell-led meetings of the PLP.)

Regardless, this is a strong start for the Labour challenger, who delivered his speech well and ably handled questions from the press and public, with a number of attacks on the Tories and Jeremy Corbyn’s time in post.

He closed his speech with a direct rebuke to both Blairism and Corbynism, saying:

‘We need revolution, not evolution.

Not some misty-eyed, romantic notion of a revolution where we’re going to overthrow capitalism and return to a socialist nirvana.

(I don’t know who I’m referring to…)

But a cold-eyed, practical, socialist revolution where we build a better Britain.’

Owen Smith’s 20 policies announced today: 

1. A pledge to focus on equality of outcome, not equality of opportunity

2. Scrapping the DWP and replacing it with a Ministry for Labour and a Department for Social Security

3. Introducing modern wages councils for hotel, shop and care workers to strengthen terms and conditions

4. Banning zero hour contracts

5. Ending the public sector pay freeze

6. Extending the right to information and consultation to cover all workplaces with more than 50 employees

7. Ensuring workers’ representation on remuneration committees

8. Repealing the Trade Union Act

9. Increase spending on the NHS by 4 per cent in real-terms in every year of the next parliament

10. Commit to bringing NHS funding up to the European average within the first term of a Labour Government.

11. Greater spending on schools and libraries.

12. Re-instate the 50p top rate of income tax.

13. Reverse the reductions in Corporation Tax due to take place over the next four years.

14. Reverse cuts to Inheritance Tax announced in the Summer Budget.

15. Reverse cuts to Capital Gains Tax announced in the Summer Budget.

16. Introduce a new wealth Tax on the top one per cent earners.

17. A British New Deal unveiling £200 billion of investment over five years.

18. A commitment to invest tens of billions in the North of England, and to bring forward High Speed 3.

19. A pledge to build 300,000 homes in every year of the next parliament – 1.5 million over five years.

20. Ending the scandal of fuel poverty by investing in efficient energy.

Adam Barnett is staff writer for Left Foot Forward. Follow him on Twitter @AdamBarnett13 

See: Why not call ‘Left-wing’ Theresa May’s bluff?

25 Responses to “Owen Smith is no ‘Blairite’. His policies are egalitarian and Left-wing”

  1. Frann Leach

    How very easy to just cut and paste Corbyn’s policies and claim for yourself. If elected, he’ll go back to his track record, promoting the 1%, privatising those parts of the NHS that can be profitable, and so on. He’s as left wing as my late aunt’s right arm – a lifelong Tory member.

  2. Dr Gary Burn

    It’s amazing, these Labour MPs like Smith and Eagle keep on repeating their mantra that it’s not Corbyn’s policies they oppose but his lack of leadership. Just think about it, Miliband was leader for 5 years and wouldn’t say boo to a goose. He was such a useless leader he couldn’t or wouldn’t even oppose the Tory lie that it was all Labour’s fault never mind their great austerity hoax, but they didn’t try to replace him did they? So.. we know it’s all about policies. These Red Tories should quit the Labour Party and join the Conservatives…. their true home.

    As George W Bush once said, paraphrasing Abe Lincoln: “You can fool some of the people all of the time…and those are the people we should concentrate on.” Luckily, this time, it’s not the Labour Party members… we’ve been conned once two often.

  3. Martyn Wood-Bevan

    He has just lifted these policies from a speech Jeremy gave in May, but which the MSM “failed” to cover.
    Have a look – http://voxpoliticalonline.com/2016/07/27/20-policy-proposals-from-owen-smith-but-how-many-are-his-own/

  4. Alan

    labour party members have been totally disenfranchised. Dirty deeds like this will not be forgotten. we have to take back the reigns from those that have done this if democracy means a damn. Smith has put forward a policy statement pinched from Corbyn and Donnel to try and assuage the huge ranks of Corbynites. the membership don’t trust any candidate other than Corbyn full stop.

  5. Steve Mizzy

    So Jeremy gave a speech in May setting out exactly (???) the same policy proposals and no one noticed? These are a comprehensive set of policies so if Corbyn had put out something similar, its a bit surprising that he didn’t make more of an effort to get them heard.
    Nothing on tv or radio, how about a newspaper article, or maybe mention something in Parliament? I’m a party member and I didn’t get anything and I get loads of stuff from Jeremy.
    And after today, following on from his impressive leadership launch, surely no one with an open mind can be in any doubt that Smith is not remotely a Blairite.
    Give the man a fair hearing.

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