Every time you see the mayor launching an estate regeneration scheme, bear in mind that it will actually reduce the amount of genuinely affordable housing

Mayors and councils have been misleading Londoners for years about affordable housing. When they boast about building new homes, they don’t mention that for every ten homes that have built in the past decade, one has been knocked down and four have been sold through Right to Buy.
I’ve long supported campaigns against the unnecessary demolition of council estates like the Heygate in Elephant & Castle, the Carpenters in Stratford, the Gibbs Green and West Kensington estates in Earl’s Court.
These are knocked down in order to ‘regenerate’ the area, but have been vigorously opposed by tenants and leaseholders, and by a growing movement that came together to march on City Hall on 31 January.
Last week the London Assembly’s Housing Committee, which I chair, published a landmark report taking stock of all these estate regeneration schemes.
Shockingly, we found that the schemes would result in a net loss of 8,296 social rented homes. Every time you see the mayor launching an estate regeneration scheme, bear that in mind. He is probably launching a scheme that will actually reduce the amount of genuinely affordable housing
On Monday, the Radical Housing Network will march on City Hall again for the Assembly’s budget meeting. It’s our last chance to amend or reject the mayor’s budget for 2015-16, and they want to ‘block the budget‘.
At the first budget meeting, Jenny Jones and I proposed that the mayor put £8.5 million into establishing a Community Estate Renewal Unit, helping tenants and leaseholders to transfer their estate into new Community Land Trusts.
The money would pay for a small dedicated delivery team and a large grant scheme to help tenants and residents develop business plans and undertake detailed technical work to refurbish and increase the amount of social housing on their estates along with an increased provision of intermediate and market homes.
Sadly, no other group supported our amendment. On Monday we can try to gain consensus for other changes. But the Assembly currently has no powers to amend the capital budget even though, in terms of housing, that’s where we would like to see major changes in direction. I want the mayor to put more emphasis on social housing and less on intermediate so-called ‘affordable housing.’
So as much as I support the aims of the Radical Housing Network, we are powerless to block the mayor’s capital budget, with all its plans to demolish more council housing and replace it with much less affordable homes.
A progressive mayor could be using their housing investment and planning powers to ensure a much more socially just direction. They could also be lobbying government and making the case for things that are not within City Hall’s control – like lobbying for the government cuts in the housing grant to be reversed, for devolution of tax-raising powers to London to fund more social housing, for rent controls, for tighter restrictions on investors, and so on.
On Monday I’ll again make the case for this change in direction. But until the London Assembly gains powers over the mayor’s capital budget, we’ll not have the chance to block his housing plans.
Darren Johnson is a Green Party member of the London Assembly. Follow him on Twitter
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5 Responses to “The mayor’s planned estate regeneration schemes will cost London 8,296 social rented homes”
Keith M
Did you expect anything else? Johnson is a Tory and social housing is not on their agenda.
Leon Wolfeson
Well…I’m rather surprised it’s that few, given Boris’s prior policies.
Gary Scott
Sold council homes, selling more off now. Its been a deliberate end to council housing and added to this they ended the ‘duty to house’. The current attitude to homeless people speaks volumes. We’re going back to the old days, the poor are kept down, kept vulnerable and have no security of tenancy, job security and must live hand to mouth. Sadly its not only the Tories at fault..
The more Council homes sold, or otherwise removed, the greater the hold of the private landlord. The founding stones of today’s immensely inflated housing market (private rents and cost of homes) was set in action the moment that Thatcher earmarked council houses for a huge sell off. Boris et al are simply working towards the very same goals.
Blair’s wasted three terms are already but a faded skidmark upon history’s underpants.
And it is probably down to gerrymandering, Lady Porter chair of westminster and Kensington council was surcharged for that and scarppered to Israel without paying up. Presumably Boris has checked that his plans do not break the regs