Of the possible governments post-May, which would you prefer?
The General Election really is, to use the cliche, too close to call. Labour has a slight but fairly stable lead in the polls according to YouGov, but other polls have the Tories ahead (one ICM poll today gives them a four point lead over Labour).
Meanwhile the Greens and UKIP are likely to add to their one and two respective seats and no one knows how many (or how few) seats the SNP and the Lib Dems will get.
And so we want to ask you, the reader, which of the possible outcomes you would prefer, come May. The results of the survey will be published early next week.
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37 Responses to “Poll: What outcome would you most like to see at the General Election?”
Leon Wolfeson
No majority, followed by constitutional crisis ending up with PR?
Unlikely, I know. But you did say “most like to see”.
A Ukip victory !
The strangest thing about the coalition is that it is the LibDems that have taken the hit. It is a bit like charging the child in the back seat of the car when it was the drunken parent driving that caused the crash.
Jim Bennett
Nice to see you have a sense of humour!
A Labour majority.