Left Foot Forward poll: 34 per cent want a Labour majority

Last week we asked Left Foot Forward readers what outcome they'd most like to see at the General Election. We had 471 responses, and here's what we found out


34.4 per cent of you said you’d like an outright Labour majority, compared to 10.6 per cent who’d like a Conservative majority. Only 13 of you (2.8 per cent) would like things to stay as they are with another Conservative/Lib Dem coalition.

Seven per cent would like to see a Labour-led coalition with the Lib Dems, but 10.8 would like Labour to lead a coalition with the SNP, and 19.3 per cent (91 of you) would like to see Labour lead a coalition with the Greens.

The second most popular choice after a Labour majority was a three-party coalition with Labour, the Greens and the SNP, which 27.6 per cent of you are hoping for. The least popular choice was a Tory/SNP coalition, which only two of you would like to see.

25 of you would like a Tory/UKIP coalition – half the number who are hoping for an outright Tory majority. Adding the Lib Dems into that coalition sees popularity fall to 1.06 per cent.

General Election 2


Take part in our latest poll here.

Ruby Stockham is a staff writer at Left Foot Forward. Follow her on Twitter

60 Responses to “Left Foot Forward poll: 34 per cent want a Labour majority”

  1. Leon Wolfeson

    No, I am “spouting” moderate leftist policies, which you’re frantically objecting to because of your evident hardline right wing views.

    That you view opposing the worst excesses of your beloved capitlism as “nonsense”, tghat I don’t believe we should have people starving in the street, that people should pay tax…to you, “the left of Fischer”.

  2. Leon Wolfeson

    Mm…I disagree, in that Labour are capitalist, not free market. Capitalism is a gross distortion on the free market, and austerity is one of the worst excesses of capitalism.

  3. Guest

    Oh, you mean the people who are the government in Greece, who you want to surrender to your proposed coup, and to “appologise” with their lives, no doubt.

    You keep calling dislike of your unearned wealth and the non-payment of tax “irrational”.

  4. Guest

    No, Labour stood for their principles. You oppose having principles, I understand perfectly, and want none in democracy.

    Tactical voting happens in FPTP, get over it.
    Or, more rationally, oppose FPTP.

  5. JustAnotherNumber

    I do oppose FPTP, but I’m intrigued to find out from where you’ve derived this statement: “You oppose having principles”. Upon what “principle” would a senior constituency party member disseminate instructions on voting for parties supposedly in opposition, unless Labour and the Tories aren’t all that opposed to one another after all.

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