Event: Where now for a two-state solution?

Left Foot Forward is hosting a discussion about Israel, Palestine and the prospects for a two state solution at this year's Labour Party conference in Manchester.

Tuesday 17:30, Labour Party Conference, Manchester – LabourList Marquee (secure zone)

The issue of Israel and Palestine is rarely out of the news. Behind the stories of human tragedy, however, there exists a solvable land dispute. Traditionally this has meant progressives working towards a two state solution. But is this still a realistic goal?

In light of recent events, where now for the two state solution? Speakers will be asked to talk for seven minutes each before the debate is opened up to the floor.

Left Foot Forward with BICOM. Chaired by Left Foot Forward’s James Bloodworth with:

Richard Burden MP – Omer Bar Lev, Member of the Israeli Knesset  – Melanie Ward, Labour PPC – Dermot Kehoe, BICOM

The event will take place at the LabourList Marquee inside the secure zone, just outside the conference centre.

Labour List Marqeej

(Click to zoom)

Wheelchair access: Yes
Drinks: Yes

For further information on holding an event with Left Foot Forward please contact events@leftfootforward.org

16 Responses to “Event: Where now for a two-state solution?”

  1. Guest

    Rather than going after the Hamas funding, you label Israel terrorists.

    Yes, they need to consider if they want peace, or if they hold your views.

  2. Guest

    And the Jews will go, under your plan. No surprise there.

  3. SOMARA556

    Jews aren’t willing to live as second class citizens in an Arab country so tough luck.

  4. Guest

    Oh yes, the terrorists will love having access to Jews. You’re all for free movement in this case.

  5. Gary Scott

    Hamas kill people, so does Israel. Hama’s is funded, so is Israel. Hama’s is funded by Iran and others, Israel is funded by USA and UK. We need to address our OWN government on IT’S culpability. I don’t have a vote in Iran but I have one here, I can use my vote and my voice HERE. I don’t excuse murder over property, I don’t excuse HAMAS. I am sure you don’t excuse Israel. NB, regardless of opinion, both HAMAS and Israels government are democratically elected governments. Neither are terrorists in the accepted sense. In Israel public opinion is not just behind recent actions, but thinks they have not gone far ENOUGH. This would be confirmation that Israel is not going to be any negotiations. Please note that I am in favour of peace and civilians not being murdered. I am not a blind supporter of Israel. Or HAMAS.

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