Whatever your opinion of the former prime minister, he certainly knows how to take the argument to Nigel Farage.
Whatever your opinion of the former prime minister, he certainly knows how to take the argument to Nigel Farage
Almost everyone has an opinion as to what the left needs to do in response to the electoral rise of UKIP. Everyone up to and including the former prime minister Tony Blair (who everyone also has an opinion of).
But whatever your opinion of Labour’s last elected PM – and we that know many progressives will never forgive him for his role in the Iraq war – he certainly knows how to take the argument to Nigel Farage on the issue of Europe.
This video, from way back in 2005 (interestingly, a year after UKIP had done well in the 2004 European elections) offers an invaluable lesson to today’s progressive, pro-European politicians in how it’s done – regardless of your opinion of Blair.
Watch and learn, and never apologise for being in favour of a united Europe.
21 Responses to “Video: Tony Blair smacks down a ranting Nigel Farage”
Typical Blair, he doesn’t answer any of the questions, just like Cameron, who obviously took lessons from him.
Blair the liar.
and of course we have now seen all the reforms that provide a permanent solution just as Blair promised in the clip, economic growth and stability in Europe as he promised, and a solution to the Common Agricultural Policy by 2014 as promised during his presidency.
Whilst Farage was complaining that 2014 was a long time to wait, of course Blair was right about all these things and the benefit of waiting until now shows how grateful Farage should be.
This video proves that the funny guy will always be proved to be right. In fact, he was even right about Iraq and Afghanistan too as we all know.
Liam Fairley
Brilliant.Thanks for your contribution. Is this what passes as debate in this country today!
Frankie D.
Why would they need to wait for immigrant workers to arrive before lowering the wage?