Bob Crow wasn’t just a class fighter. He was proper two states for two peoples trade unionist when it came to Israel and Palestine.

Bob Crow wasn’t just a class fighter. He was proper two states for two peoples trade unionist when it came to Israel and Palestine.
Under his leadership the RMT and the International Transport Federation (ITF) supported union to union links, opposing moves to break links with the Histadrut.
Read this 2010 resolution he co-sponsored with Nasser Younis of the Palestine General Union for Transport Workers at the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) congress in Mexico City praising joint Israeli-Palestinian trade union work and welcoming a recent statement made by the Israeli trade union federation (the Histadrut) calling for the establishment of two independent democratic states.
The motion was proposed by Nasser Younis of the Palestine General Union for Transport Workers and seconded by Bob Crow of the RMT.
As well as calling for a “lifting of the blockade on Gaza in line with UN Security Council Resolution 1860 (2009) and the opening of all Gaza ports, and for Israel to end the occupation of the West Bank and to remove all settlements”, the motion also rejected boycotts of Israel and instead calls for “universal recognition of Israel’s right to exist, next to an independent viable Palestinian state, acknowledging that this is essential to achieving a peaceful solution”.
Sometimes seen as a mere bruiser, Bob Crow understood something huge that many on the left today have forgotten; a democratic programme – two states for two peoples, the right to national self-determination – is still the only way to ‘clear the decks’ (Lenin, whom he liked quoting) for the class struggle.
Alan Johnson is the editor of Fathom – For a deeper understanding of Israel and the region
More from Left Foot Forward: Bob Crow on socialism, the Royal Family and going on strike
5 Responses to “Bob Crow: a two states for two peoples trade unionist”
Tim Holmes
Note that this is not Alan Johnson MP, but Alan Johnson of the Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre (BICOM), which defends Israel’s right to butcher civilians deliberately and indiscriminately.
I’m sure Bob Crow’s family will be touched by your heartfelt and in no way opportunistic comments, Alan.
Bob Crow is barely cold and odd political activists are wondering how to exploit his passing.
However, it is fairly easy to spot politicos in Britain, their lack of tact gives them away, as in this case.
Instead of waiting for a few days, taking in events and thinking about the issue the political activist (be it the leaders of the Stop the War coalition or 9/11 truthers, etc) will invariably latch onto a major event and grind their axe.
Alan Johnson could have waited a few days and produce something less crass, but chose not to.
LFF should know better, if in doubt, wait. Please try not to emulate the poltical fringes and their inability to understand humanity
Liam Griffin
I don’t understand, why do you say it is crass?
Richard Armbach
If its Alan Johnson its crass.
Tim Holmes
Note that this is not Alan Johnson MP, but Alan Johnson of BICOM, the British Israel lobby outfit that defends the state as it continues to carry out regular indiscriminate and deliberate attacks on civilians.
I’m sure Bob Crow’s family will take comfort from your respectful and in no way opportunistic remarks, Alan.