Desperate Sarkozy cranks up the anti-immigration rhetoric

Cllr Sanchia Alasia reports on French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s anti-Schengen, pro-protectionism speech last week, as the French election campaign hots up.

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Last week Nicolas Sarkozy, during one of his biggest campaign rallies, just over a month from the elections, indulged once again in anti-immigration rhetoric in a bid to appease potential Front National voters by calling for the greater protection of French borders.

Nicolas-Sarkozy-David-CameronThis would include the proposal of removing France from the Schengen accord, which 27 member states operate, unless tighter controls by the European Union on illegal immigrants could be imposed.

Marine Le Pen, who is anti-immigrant and anti-EU, has stated Sarkozy is simply copying her policies, one of them being to withdraw from the Schengen accord.

Sarkozy went on to say that if elected he would halve immigration from 180,000 to 100,000 per year as well as make the process of obtaining naturalisation much tighter, which he claims will help immigrants integrate better into French society.

Socialist rival Francois Hollande’s campagin have criticised the announcement, which seems to be in response to the rising popularity of the Front National, and is set to become a central campaign theme over the coming weeks.


See also:

Le Pen’s fascists claim French youngsters are ‘joining in their droves’ 28 Feb 2012

Why we should worry about the poison of Le Pen 17 Feb 2012

Is François Hollande the next president of France? 9 Feb 2012

Where do Cameron, Sarkozy and the West stand after the Libyan intervention? 22 Aug 2011

Is Anglo-French co-operation on nuclear warheads illegal? 24 Nov 2010


President Sarkozy also stated that the European way of life should be defended by way of protectionist policies whereby companies working on national projects could only use products made within the European Union, even though this may be a breach of EU fair competition rules.

Sarkozy closed his speech by re-emphasising the ban on the public wearing of the niqab which he describes as “contrary to the values of the Republic”. He is currently ahead of Le Pen but behind Hollande, the favourite to win the French presidential elections.


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18 Responses to “Desperate Sarkozy cranks up the anti-immigration rhetoric”

  1. Anonymous

    Accurate assessment.

    And the underlying reason?

    Not asking the electorate and dictating to them what they should accept. Complete lack of democracy.

    So if Sarkozy is squeezed out, it may well end up with a run off between Hollande and le Pen. A very unsatisfactory set of choices.

  2. sarkozy info

    Desperate Sarkozy cranks up the anti-immigration rhetoric (Left Foot Forward): [WIKIO NEWS] Cllr Sanchi… #sarkozy

  3. leftlinks

    Left Foot Forward – Desperate Sarkozy cranks up the anti-immigration rhetoric

  4. Martin Steel

    Desperate Sarkozy cranks up the anti-immigration rhetoric, reports @sanchia46: #France2012

  5. Shamik Das

    Desperate Sarkozy cranks up the anti-immigration rhetoric, reports @sanchia46: #France2012

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