Top videos of 2011: #10: Matt Baker breaks ranks

We begin the countdown of the ten best videos of 2011 with Number 10: Matt “how do you sleep at night” Baker and his needling of David Cameron.


From now until the end of the year, Left Foot Forward will be counting down our top ten videos of 2011; join us as we look over the year that was…

In March this year, the question on everyone’s lips was: “Is Matt Baker a secret socialist, or is he just even less on the ball than one would expect from a One Show presenter?”

Baker appeared to follow his fellow light-entertainment presenter Paul O’Grady in coming out against the coalition when he asked David Cameron “how do you sleep at night?”:

See also:

Five reasons to oppose the welfare billDaniel Elton, December 12th 2011

George Osborne is the downgraded chancellor of a deflationary governmentWilliam Bain MP, December 8th 2011

UK growth down as IMF warn deficit reduction should not be at the expense of growthShamik Das, October 5th 2011

Another broken Tory promise: 31 Sure Start centres have already closedShamik Das, July 27th 2011

The shocking impact of Osborne’s heartless cuts on the disabledSue Marsh, June 6th 2011

20 Responses to “Top videos of 2011: #10: Matt Baker breaks ranks”

  1. Michael Bater

    RT @leftfootfwd: Top videos of 2011: #10: Matt Baker breaks ranks

  2. Lauren A.

    RT @leftfootfwd: Top videos of 2011: #10: Matt Baker breaks ranks

  3. Patron Press - #P2

    #UK : Top videos of 2011: #10: Matt Baker breaks ranks

  4. #Occupy Politics

    #UK : Top videos of 2011: #10: Matt Baker breaks ranks

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