Tory press office twits should go back to spin school

The Tory press office took to Twitter last night to try to denigrate Ed Miliband’s conference speech, telling a few porkies on the way, reports Shamik Das.

So keen were they to bury Ed Miliband last night the Tory press office team sent out a series of desperate tweets culminating in a straightforward porkie, saying Guardian columnist Jackie Ashley thought Miliband’s speech was “a flop”.

At about seven last night, Cameron’s backroom boys tweeted:

“Jackie Ashley: ‘the speech was a flop. Watch for that in tomorrow’s newspaper’…

As with the NHS, however, you just can’t trust the Tories on Twitter, Ashley tweeting a few hours later:

“This tweet from @ToryPressHQ completely misrepresents me

For the record, here is what Ashley actually said of the speech:

“… this was a speech that Blair could never have made: short on jokes (though there were couple of good ones at the beginning) and long on radicalism.

“The scale of Miliband’s vision was awesome, taking on vested interests from right and left, while trashing some of Labour’s record and praising some of the Tories’ achievements. From welfare scroungers to top executives, Miliband has ideas to change things…”

On what planet does that translate to “the speech was a flop”?

It seems the Tory press boys failed to heed their master’s warning of the perils of over-tweeting; as Mr Cameron said:

“The trouble with Twitter, the instantness of it – too many twits might make a twat.”

15 Responses to “Tory press office twits should go back to spin school”

  1. Keith Hudson

    Tory press office twits should go back to spin school | Left Foot Forward via @addthis

  2. Alex Braithwaite

    RT @leftfootfwd: Tory press office twits should go back to spin school

  3. Will Straw

    Tory press office twits should go back to spin school: writes @ShamikDas #LabConf #Lab11

  4. Tim Ireland

    Tory press office twits should go back to spin school: writes @ShamikDas #LabConf #Lab11

  5. Anon E Mouse

    “Bury Ed Miliband”?

    The question should be how deep. With his personal ratings, even amongst Labour voters absolutely dire and the party tanking in the polls it’s time to get rid of this tax avoiding, property owning millionaire who hasn’t done a single days work in his life and elect a leader that represents the working classes in this country.

    For at least two years this fine blog has denied what Labour have now apologised for and if anyone thinks this weirdo will ever be elected as PM in this country they are sadly mistaken.

    There was a lot of what he said that people would agree with – getting rid of the union dinosaur bosses “Telephone number” salaries would be a good start.

    With Ed Miliband leading Labour there is no official opposition in this country anymore and the sooner the contributors to this fine blog realise they are not helping the party with this constant type of article which would be better placed on a site devoted to fairy tales the better. No offence…

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