New anti-cuts campaign launched

A new anti-cuts campaign website, False Economy, launched today, backed by the TUC.

A new anti-cuts campaign website – False Economy – launched today, backed by the TUC and built by Clifford Singer, founder of the MyDavidCameron website and the Other TaxPayers’ Alliance. The new campaign seeks to:

• Gathering information about the cuts – both nationally and locally;

Give people the opportunity to provide testimony on the effects of cuts on them or their community;

• Provide the arguments and evidence that show that the coalition are wrong when they say there is no alternative;

• Giving campaign groups the opportunity to post details of their events and to link up and share tips on effective campaigning; and

• Allow people to sign up to support the site, participate in online action and find out about campaign events.

Writing on the new site, Left Foot Forward contributor Nigel Stanley explains:

“One thing we are not is a new national organisation to lead the cuts movement. The campaign will take many forms: local groups, initiatives that link up those concerned about a particular issue, national groups with comprehensive political outlooks, tightly organised national events, and much more spontaneous protests with their roots in social media.

“Not all will agree with each other. There will be many spirited debates about the best way forward and local dilemmas around how people should best cope with the impact of government cuts.”

A video to mark the launch can be seen below:

Why cuts are the wrong cure from False Economy on Vimeo.

Initial funding for the new campaign has come from the TUC and Unison, with further pledges of support from other unions – as well as Captain SKA; some of the proceeds of his forthcoming anti-cuts songLiar Liar” will go to the campaign.

8 Responses to “New anti-cuts campaign launched”

  1. Mikael Branting

    RT @FalseEcon: Our launch covered by @leftfootfwd:

  2. Mikael Branting

    RT @leftfootfwd: New anti-cuts campaign launched

  3. jill wells

    RT @leftfootfwd: New anti-cuts campaign launched: Check it out: @FalseEcon

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