Send us your suggestions for the year’s most influential left wingers

We are compiling a list of the top 50 most influential left wing thinkers of 2010 – politicians, journalists, bloggers, think tankers, academics, campaigners – and we need your input; please email with your suggestions by the end of next week, midnight Sunday 22nd August.

We are compiling a list of the top 50 most influential left wing thinkers of 2010 – politicians, journalists, bloggers, think tankers, academics, campaigners – and we need your input.

Please email me – – with your suggestions or write them in the comments below, by the end of next week, midnight Sunday 22nd August by the start of next month, midnight Sunday 5th September.

We will then collate a list of 50 for our readers to vote on; the results will be published in September around conference season.

Thanks in advance for all your suggestions!

34 Responses to “Send us your suggestions for the year’s most influential left wingers”

  1. Billy Blofeld

    Quantitavely Gordon Brown is the most influential – although his influence is of course negative.

    He turned a large Labour majority into defeat, and once he resigned Labour’s poll ratings began to soar again.

    Brown has got some fantastic and very measurable stats for an evidence based blog to get it’s teeth into

  2. Mr. Sensible

    Reuben, would Trade Unionists come under campaigners?

  3. sarah

    Shamik- sent my suggestions to Will as for some reason my email to your address kept bouncing.

  4. DrKMJ

    Who are 2010s most influential left wingers? email your nominations via @leftfootfwd

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