Colour drains from “Vote Blue, Go Green”

A new ComRes poll of PPCs shows a lack of commitment from Conservatives to green issues. Only 7% support the building of onshore wind.

A new poll of Prospective Parliamentary Candidates (PPCs) is the second in a week to show a lack of commitment from Conservatives to green issues. The latest findings come on the back of news today that the shadow environment secretary, Nick Herbert, is fighting to stop the construction of two recycling plants in his constituency.

ComRes polled 101 PPCs on behalf of RenewableUK asking them a series of questions. There was broad support for the UK’s renewable energy target and investment in a new electricity grid infrastructure. But on the issue of onshore wind, the press release states:

The results show that just over half of the PPCs ‘agree strongly’ that ‘expansion of onshore wind is essential if the UK is to deliver on its renewable energy targets’. The relatively low figure is mainly due to only 7% of Conservative candidates supporting the statement, compared to 44% of Labour and 71% of Liberal Democrat PPCs. Conservative candidates also make up the only segment that strongly disagrees with the expansion of onshore wind.

Earlier this week, Friends of the Earth revealed that only one Tory PPC had signed their climate change pledge. This morning, the Independent revealed that:

Nick Herbert, shadow Environment Secretary, who has called for more recycling schemes, is opposing the construction of two major facilities in his Arundel & South Downs constituency, claiming that they are “the right idea in the wrong place”.

Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has previously campaigned against the building of a wind farm close to his constituency. Left Foot Forward today publicises a new video exposing how you can’t trust the Tories on climate change.

Watch it:

Adam Bell of RenewableUK, the group that commissioned the poll, pointed out:

“There is a certain amount of disconnect between the voters and political candidates. Year after year independent polls suggest that over 80% of the people in this country support further deployment of wind energy. Politicians need to be told that NIMBYs don’t represent how British people actually think.”

You can sign up to a ‘Wind In My Back Yard’ (WIMBY) pledge here.

7 Responses to “Colour drains from “Vote Blue, Go Green””

  1. Tory candidates won't sign up to climate change or new politics | Left Foot Forward

    […] A ComRes poll shows that only 7 per cent of Tory candidates believe the expansion of onshore wind is […]

  2. Leaders Debate – Round Two « The Labour Lantern

    […] to onshore wind power. However I felt Brown could have gone further, perhaps highlighting the lack of commitment on green issues within the Conservative Party. Clegg also seemed to do well on this issue, […]

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