Vote blue go blue: Survey reveals 91% of Tory PPCs and 73% of MPs are climate sceptics

More evidence today of Tory candidates' views: a staggering 91 per cent of Conservative PPCs and 73 per cent of MPs do not believe in man made climate change.

Following our story this morning about the outdated views of Tory members – obsessed with immigration, crime and tax cuts – comes evidence that Tory candidates are equally regressive. A staggering 91 per cent of Conservative PPCs and 73 per cent of MPs do not believe in man made climate change.

The results are revealed in today’s Times, and come from a Populus survey of 36 Tory MPs and 34 Tory candidates in winnable seats. Of those, 84 per cent of the MPs and 48 per cent of the PPCs think multiculturalism is bad.

A seperate poll for the paper, of 100 candidates in winnables, shows Lady Thatcher to be the “runaway first choice as hero”, followed by Churchill – echoing the findings a poll in today’s New Statesman, which found 34 per cent of Tory PPCs regarded her as their political hero – nearly seven times as many as those who said Nelson Mandela.

The Statesman poll also revealed that more Tory PPCs regard Gordon Brown, Tony Blair and Peter Mandelson to be worse villains than Hitler, a fifth support the reintroduction of the death penalty and only 28 per cent believe the next government should “legislate to make people behave in an environmentally ‘greener’ way”.

38 Responses to “Vote blue go blue: Survey reveals 91% of Tory PPCs and 73% of MPs are climate sceptics”

  1. Tristan Osborne

    RT @leftfootfwd: Vote blue go blue: Survey reveals 91% of Tory PPCs and 73% of MPs are climate sceptics

  2. Rupert Read

    RT @leftfootfwd: Vote blue go loon: Survey reveals 91% of Tory PPCs and 73% of MPs are #climate sceptics

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  4. Devoid Larkoid

    RT @kthrdgwy: If you were by any chance looking for more reasons not to vote Tory …

  5. John77

    Try telling the truth for a change.
    Climate change is mostly down to cycles in solar emissions (hence the massive scientific evidence for ice-ages, Romans growing grapes in Britain, ice-skating on the Thames etc).
    A little is man-made (thanks to the 180 trillion tonnes of coal burned in the last 40 years).
    We can’t alter the former; we can alter the latter.
    So we should
    The Times says that only 27% of Conservative MPs (and 9% of candidates) regard it as established that climate change is man-made – that is 27% (and 9%) too many. It does NOT say that 73% (and 91%)do not believe that mankind contributes to climate change.

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