Griffin to speak alongside Holocaust denier

Nick Griffin is to appear at an "academic conference" in Belgium next week shoulder-to-shoulder with holocaust denier Bruno Gollnisch of the Front National.

BNP leader Nick Griffin is to appear at an “academic conference” in Belgium next week shoulder-to-shoulder with holocaust denier Bruno Gollnisch of the Front National, Frank Vanhecke of the far-right Flemish seperatists Vlaams Belang and the Austrian Freedom Party’s Andreas Molzer.

Speaking in October 2004, on the eve of the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, Gollnisch had said:

“I do not question the existence of concentration camps but historians could discuss the number of deaths. As to the existence of gas chambers, it is up to historians to speak their minds.”

The news comes just days after Griffin said the public “can no longer call us racist” in the wake of the BNP’s decision to admit non-white members, and is another example of the reality behind the BNP’s new façade.

On Sunday, BNP thugs assaulted a Times journalist from a press conference, ejecting him from the venue. This is how the journalist, Dominic Kennedy, describes the attack:

One man grabbed my nose and tried to remove it from my face. I was seized and shoved out of the door towards a parked car. I threw my hands out to steady myself. A BNP thug snarled: “Don’t touch people’s cars mate.” Obviously, I offered no resistance.”

Far from condemning the attack, Griffin, in a message to BNP members, said the attack proved his party hadn’t gone “soft”.

14 Responses to “Griffin to speak alongside Holocaust denier”

  1. GIGO

    Griffin to speak alongside fellow Holocaust denier: #hopenothate #stopthebnp #fuckfascism /via @myinfamy

  2. stevenblue

    RT @gigoslurp: Griffin to speak alongside fellow Holocaust denier: #hopenothate #stopthebnp #fuckfascism /via @myinfamy

  3. matt kovach

    RT @myinfamy: Griffin to speak alongside fellow Holocaust denier: #hopenothate #stopthebnp #fuckfascism

  4. BNP are Bigots

    RT @uaf: RT@leftfootforward: Griffin to speak alongside Holocaust denier:

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