Mail cartoon portrays immigrants as animals

The Daily Mail today publishes a cartoon portraying immigrants as animals. A new low, even for the Mail.

A new low, even for the Mail. As Sunny at Liberal Conspiracy says:

“Fucking disgusting, even by usual Daily Mail standards”

H/T: Liberal Conspiracy

33 Responses to “Mail cartoon portrays immigrants as animals”

  1. Liz McShane

    Raven – it may be a cartoon but it does genuinely offend some people and as we know the Mail does not have a good record on this – what was their headline in the 1930s…….?

    Over on the Douglas Murray’s DT blog, the subject of jokes now includes Pakistanis – I suppose it was only a matter of time…. thin end of the wedge…..

  2. Look Left – The Week in Fast Forward | Left Foot Forward

    […] The racist Daily Mail cartoon – Liberal Conspiracy’s post was the most shared link around this […]

  3. Anon E Mouse

    Liz – People are being nice here. I know you love LFF as much as I do but this is just a cartoon! It really isn’t important.

    Head over here to see Shamik saying a woman should not print a story because of her husbands actions… how do you feel about this!

  4. Shamik Das

    How odd that someone who doesn’t believe the above cartoon to be racist starts throwing about accusations of sexism. Wrong on both counts I’m afraid. If you weren’t so hell bent on defending the Mail, Express and Tories and attacking Labour you might be able to see that.

  5. Elliott Rodgers

    #dailymail sinks to new all time low… portraying illegal immigrants as animals….

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