Tom Watson is Labour’s top influencer on twitter

Tory Radio have produced a new index of Tory Twitter influence based on Edelman's tweet level service. Left Foot Forward produces a similar Labour list.

As the debate over Tweetminster’s report continues, Tory Radio have produced a new index of Tory Twitter influence based on Edelman’s tweet level service.

The index showed that Iain Dale and Tory Bear had more influence on twitter despite having fewer followers than Boris Johnson or the Conservative Party itself.

Left Foot Forward has carried out the same analysis from Iain Dale’s list of the top 20 Labour tweeters. As with Tory Radio list, the brackets outline where they are positioned in Iain’s list.

Tom Watson, an MP well respected in techy circles, tops the list with bloggers Ellie Gellard and Cath Elliott the two highest climbers. Both Tom Watson and Sarah Brown have more influence than any Tory tweeters.


Top Labour Tweeters by Tweet Level

1. (4) Tom Watson – 69
2. (1) Sarah Brown – 67
=3. (19) Ellie Gellard – 65
=3. (3) John Prescott – 65
5. (9) Kerry McCarthy – 64
6. (2) Alastair Campbell – 63
7. (12) LabourList – 59
8. (15) Tom Harris – 55
9. (14) The Fabians – 54
=10. (7) Lord Drayson – 52
=10. (18) Cath Elliott – 52
12. (8) Ed Balls – 51
13. (16) Stuart Bruce – 49
14. (20) Sion Simon – 48
=15. (10) Sadiq Khan – 47
=15. (17) Kevin Maguire – 47
17. (5) David Miliband – 45
18. (6) Ed Miliband – 44
19. (11) David Lammy – 40
20. (13) Ben Bradshaw – 36

Earlier today at my suggestion, Mark Thompson produced a list of the Top 20 Lib Dem twitterers. Over to Mark again for a list of the most influential Lib Dem tweeters.

Hat-tip: Samuel Coates

36 Responses to “Tom Watson is Labour’s top influencer on twitter”

  1. svaroschi

    RT @dominiccampbell: TweetLevel says am more influential than any Tory & 1 behind @tom_watson for Labour *plots evil*

  2. Mark Pack

    @markreckons Worth you emulating ?

  3. Tracey Cheetham

    The problem is that lists like this only include people who are chosen to be included. In terms of influence I probably rate much lower than many on some of these lists and lower than some who are not included, despite my follower count. There are activists who have enormous influence, with a relatively small follower count. I will repeat what I said on Iain Dale’s page, it isn’t what you have, it’s what you do with it that matters!

  4. Sunny H

    I take these reports with a pinch of salt – and not sure how the Edelman thing is compiled either.

    Cath Elliott for example isn’t very pro-Labour, like me. But we’re both lefties and I have more followers than some people on the list, and Tweetminister reckons I’m the third highest leftie re-tweeter and mentioned in tweets. And yet I’m not on the Edelman list.

    Also, breaking this down by party is rather silly when we’re talking about ‘progressives’ who may be outside the party structure.

  5. Sunny H

    And also – the Iain Dale list talks about top Labour tweeters being in the party machine – but doesn’t include non-Labour lefties which are outside the machine but on the left grassroots (for eg, I have more followers than 20th on that list but am left off it).

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