Nick Griffin to address US white supremacist conference

BNP leader Nick Griffin will join KKK members, neo-Nazis, holocaust deniers, anti-immigration extremists & eugenicists at a white supremacist conf. next month.

BNP leader Nick Griffin will join Ku Klux Klan members, neo-Nazis, holocaust deniers, anti-immigration extremists and eugenicists at the white supremacist American Renaissance conference in Virginia next month.

The convicted racist will appear alongside Dan Roodt, author of “Afrikaner Survival Under Black Rule”, David A. Yeagley, author of “What’s Up With Dark Men?”, lawyer to white supremacist groups Sam G Dickson, segregationist Jared Taylor – who believes Martin Luther King “left a legacy of division and resentment” – Raymond Wolters, a ‘scientist’ who wishes to conduct experiments into race and IQ, and racist filmmaker Craig Bodeker.

American Resistance, a newsletter published by Taylor, promotes pseudoscientific research which argues that non-whites are genetically and morally inferior; their conference seeks to bring together various right-wing racist people and ideas. Infoshop News adds that:

“The Anti-Defamation League writes that AmRen, “promotes their views by attacking racial, ethnic, and religious diversity, which they call ‘one of the most divisive forces on the planet’ and therefore ‘dangerous'” and that, “many of North America’s leading intellectual racists have written for American Renaissance or have addressed the biennial American Renaissance conferences”.”

A campiagn has been launched to put pressure on the hotel hosting the event to cancel or face a boycott. Yesterday Left Foot Forward reported Griffin’s attempt to use the Haiti earthquake for political gain.

15 Responses to “Nick Griffin to address US white supremacist conference”

  1. Ralph Baldwin

    “It beggars belief that anyone in Britain will listen to Nick let alone vote him into the European parliament”

    Agreed, but tragically the competition are nothing special. When leaders of a Party behave in a dictatorial manner, neglect the poor, carry on doing so when more join their ranks in a recession this is what happens.

    A unified center left platform is desperately needed but all communication to the Labour Party Leadership/Cabinet is blocked. I guess one set of “elites” or “supremists” are emulating the other though trying to tell one lot from the other is becoming increasingly challenging.

  2. ash_786

    RT @kirkleesunity: Nick Griffin to address US white supremacist conference | Left Foot Forward –

  3. shantelleb

    RT @kirkleesunity: Nick Griffin to address US white supremacist conference | Left Foot Forward –

  4. Chris Butler

    surprise surprise RT @kirkleesunity: Nick Griffin to address US white supremacist conference | Left Foot Forward –

  5. Griffin's friends the KKK come to Britain | Left Foot Forward

    […] way, though, Nick Griffin is likely to be pleased. The BNP leader, who flew to the States last year to address a white supremacist conference, and defended the Klan on Question Time the year before, is […]

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