Interventions for at risk children

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I’d like to see more of an emphasis placed on intensive interventions for at risk children in early years. I thought Gordon Brown’s plan for a network of homes for single mothers was unfairly characterised as “gulags for slags” at Labour Party Conference. We need more like this; showing that the state has a role to play to ensure that the most vulnerable are cared for and also to show that we won’t stand by when young children are being mis-treated and abused.

One Response to “Interventions for at risk children”

  1. Kay Tie

    “howing that the state has a role to play to ensure that the most vulnerable are cared for”

    You’re behind the NewSpeak curve. You can’t say “cared for” any more. It’s now “looked after” (because it’s obvious from the child abuse cases coming to light that children “in care” were in anything but care).

    But bonus NewSpeak points for “vulnerable” though. More if you can squeeze in an “inappropriate” or a “unacceptable” somewhere.

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