An airbrushing too far?

15 Responses to “An airbrushing too far?”

  1. Mohammed Ahmed

    RT @tscholesfogg: RT @wdjstraw RT @leftfootfwd: Face off? An airbrushing too far: << I like it 😉

  2. Political Scrapbook

    So THAT'S where Osborne's been hiding. That mask was convincing! –> RT @leftfootfwd: Face off? An airbrushing too far:

  3. Rory Lawless

    RT @psbook: So THAT'S where Osborne's been hiding. That mask was convincing! –> RT @leftfootfwd: Face off? An airbrushing too far:

  4. Margaret Young

    Chameleon Dave a man with more faces than the town clock!

  5. scyppend

    RT @psbook: So THAT'S where Osborne's been hiding. That mask was convincing! –> RT @leftfootfwd: Face off? An airbrushing too far:

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