Look Left – The Week in Fast Forward

The Week in Politics

• Alistair Darling delivered his pre-Budget Report, getting a 66 per cent score from Left Foot Forward for his troubles. Among the main announcements were a 50 per cent tax on bankers’ bonuses – criticised by both the Tories and Lib Dems – a 0.5 per cent increase in National Insurance contributions from 2011 and a rise in VAT back to 17.5 per cent. There had been talk of a widespread rift between the Prime Minister and Chancellor, flatly denied by the man himself who today said:

“Alistair Darling and I have worked together for many, many years, and we worked closely together and continue to do so. I want to praise him for the pre-Budget report that he has given.”

• After months of anticipation, the Copenhagen summit finally began on Monday, with Climate Change Secretary Ed Miliband, in an exclusive article for Left Foot Forward, writing:

“Whether these talks succeed or fail, the world will be transformed by the middle of this century. Our choice is how. We can choose a future we want for ourselves and our children or we can let events choose a less positive future for us.”

Today, Britain and France led the European Union in committing more than €2bn (£1.8bn) a year to help poorer countries cope with global warming, though delegates from developing countries remain frustrated at the perceived lack of progress, pace and urgency in the negotiations. Left Foot Forward will continue to bring you all the latest from our reporters in Copenhagen, and on Sunday we will publish an exclusive poll examining public attitudes to climate change and Copenhagen.

• The latest tranche of expenses revelations emerged yesterday, with “Labour toff” Quentin Davies’s £20,000 bill to repair a bell tower the most flagrant example of abuse. Tory toff George Osborne, meanwhile, did his Bullingdon best to live up to his image by claiming for a chimney sweep – that’s right, a chimney sweep. In 2009. Vote Blue, go Dickens…


Progressives of the week

Tuvalu, the tiny Pacific island idyll, winners of the first ever “Ray of the Day” award at the climate change summit in Copenhagen for standing up to the big boys and refusing to back down from demanding a legally-binding deal, saying:

“We cannot accept your ruling on this matter. This issue is too important for us. We cannot accept an informal process.”


Regressive of the week

Republican Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner, who this week voiced his outrage at the Environmental Protection Agency’s ruling that greenhouse gases are dangerous to human health; I mean, how dare they? Who do these scientists think they are to contradict a climate-denying congressman from Wisconsin?! A man in the pocket of big business who has made several overseas trips paid for by lobbyists, in clear breach of congressional rules.


Evidence of the week

The Met Office data which predicts 2010 to be the hottest year on record – shattering the spin of the Sensenbrenners of this world who believe 1998 marked the end of global warming. They Met also predict that half the years in the next decade will be warmer than 1998. As we will explain (again) the past decade has seen some of the highest temperatures ever recorded:

The eight warmest years in the 150 global temperature record are, according to the Hadley Center, in order, 1998, 2005, 2003, 2002, 2004, 2006, and 2007. It’s a fact that this is the hottest decade in recorded history.



What’s trending on Twitter


Politically, the most popular item on twitter this week was the pre-Budget Report, predictions, commentary and reactions to Wednesday’s announcement. Here is a selection of the best:

@KerryMP: Osborne says can choose Lab route out of recovery or Tory route – presumably stopping to refuel in Cayman Islands en route to Belize. #pbr09

@TheTaxBuzz: Bankers bonus tax charge goes wider than announced in #PBR09. Will hit asset managers, hedge funds, private equity and more.

@AmyLTaylor: Good to see that everyone’s main concern, bingo, has been handled by the government. http://trunc.it/3xfj1 #pbr09

@ToryTavern: Wahey! Jacqui Smith’s on the telly! Perhaps her husband could swap porn for bingo? #pbr09

@warrenmorgan: #PBR09 the serious Chancellor has sat down and the schoolboy debating team captain is reading his soundbites.

13 Responses to “Look Left – The Week in Fast Forward”

  1. Liz McShane

    Anon – I am definitely not New New or even New Labour – I am (pragmatic) Labour. I can’t believe you are ever were Old Labour – some of your posts hint at that. I know that on some policy issues there is not a great deal of difference but that’s where we are but I know who I’d still rather vote for. Remember Tony Blair’s famous quote at one of his first conferences as Prime Minister – “It’s not the Labour Party of your dreams”…etc

  2. Anon E Mouse

    Liz – Been Labour my whole life although I did vote for and deliver leaflets for a local Lib Dem councillor a couple of years ago (I ranted at him over the Lib Dems supporting the smoking ban and so being non liberal when he knocked at my door – he looked like he was going to burst into tears so I helped him out. I’ve quit smoking since as well) and I’ve also voted Greens in the past – before this climate was as fashionable as it is now.

    It’s like Greenpeace. Soon as they got political and seemed to care more about their agenda and less about saving whales the less I liked them.

    I just cannot face any more of Gordon Brown as PM – he is utterly hated here in South Wales because of the unemployment situation I see, because my business partner’s, son’s, girlfriend’s, brother was seriously maimed in Afghanistan and the hopeless feeling there is locally.

    No disrespect to you cit

  3. Anon E Mouse

    y dwellers but things outside London are really tough and if Labour are helping we don’t see it.

    I want a Prime Minister who I feel is trying to help the people rather than messing around with things no one cares about (in my opinion Liz) like Climate Change – unless it’s to hit the poor again with yet more taxes.

    The deficit in this country is HUGE and yet all Labour are doing is griping about the Tory Inheritance Tax increase (which we know will never happen) instead of getting the bills paid.

    But I have to go – early start and got a couple more hours work to do yet and this blog distracts me big time!

    Have a good night Liz and I’m sure we’ll be at loggerheads again tomorrow.

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