Climate denier unmasked: Tory peer calls Jewish climate activists “Hitler Youth”

Tory peer in attack on Jewish climate change activists; calls them “Hitler Youth”

Leading climate sceptic Lord Monckton has launched a venom-dripped tirade against young climate change activists, comparing them to Hitler Youth.

Eyes bulging, face contorted and jabbing threateningly, the former adviser to Margaret Thatcher tells Jewish activist Ben Wessel:

“No, no. I’m not going to shake the hand of Hitler Youth.”

To which Ben replied:

“Sir, as a Jew I’m not really sure how I should take that.”


“I’ll tell you how you should take it. You should take it.”


“My grandparents escaped the Nazis growing up in Germany.”

Watch the confrontation in full:

Make up your own minds whose side you’d rather be on.

Hat-tip: Josh Dorner of the Sierra Club

26 Responses to “Climate denier unmasked: Tory peer calls Jewish climate activists “Hitler Youth””

  1. Maia

    Indeed, 20 years from now, when we look back at these kids, and the Obama administration, and everything liberal, it will be a dark age that will rival Nazi Germany.

  2. Mardler

    There is no choice – Monckton was right. The yoof surrounding him had closed minds, blind to anything other than their faith in the new religion of AGW just like the Hitler Youth. Brainwashing to a frightening degree.

    I know young scientists (geophysicists) who know from their research that AGW is extremely unlikely to be a cause for alarm, indeed, they also understand what bad science has been conducted in the name of AGW for the IPCC. Until you know the detail, don’t jump on the AGW bandwagon. In terms of the facts, Monckton was correct.

    Those youths in the clip are worrying: unable to discern for themselves, they fall for the cheap mass media propaganda driving the forces of big government – all part of the Watermelon Tendency.

    If the CRU whistleblowers haven’t convinced you that the alarmists are guilty of fraud, nothing will and that is all the proof we need that it isn’t science you follow but a religion.

  3. Henry

    Mardler obviously hasn’t heard that the overwhelming majority of relevant scientists believe global warming is happening (& who cares if he’s met a couple of geophysicts in the pub who think differently?) The fuss over CRU is just an irrelevant side show, stirred up by organisations like Fox News.

    This stuff about comparing climate change activists to the Hitler Youth comes straight of of the US far-right handbook. Attack, attack, attack.

  4. Climate Change And The Viscount. « ModernityBlog

    […] Change And The Viscount. Left Foot Forward has more on Viscount Monckton noted for calling climate change activists the “Hitler […]

  5. Paul Evans

    Have a look? Climate denier unmasked: Tory peer calls Jewish climate activists “Hitler Youth”

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