What’s the EU ever done for us?

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In this week’s Spectator, Fraser Nelson argues that the relative quiet from eurosceptic Conservatives over David Cameron’s new EU policy is:

“not because they have accepted defeat … but because they are deadly serious about victory”

Of course, Daniel Hannan has resigned his advisory role and Douglas Carswell has announced he will campaign for a referendum.

But a humorous new video – apeing the Life of Brian – asks what has the EU ever done for us.

Watch it:

9 Responses to “What’s the EU ever done for us?”

  1. Shamik Das

    RT @leftfootfwd: New video: What's the EU ever done for us? (apologies to the Monty Python gang) http://bit.ly/2Ipewe <— Un. Missable! 🙂

  2. Billy the Kid

    So on the trade bit is the WTO just forgotten?

    The Europeans stop us deporting an Italian sex offending pedophile back to Italy and refusing entry into a sex beast sent back from Australia.

    The Single Market, which the Tories misled us into believing Europe was about, was the only thing we – people over 54 that is – voted for.

    Cell phone calls may be fixed – but fixed HIGH not low like the UK – and of course doesn’t include data calls (just paid Orange £1.00/meg in Malta).

    All the other stuff is crap – the price it costs to be in this EU Club means you could give every UK worker thousands in tax relief from it over the years. Of course Bliar gave up our rebate. What a surprise.

    I suppose if you think we should subsidise French farmers to pour milk on the ground with our taxes then fine.

    There are *still* children starving in Africa you know but I suppose the distended bellies of hungry little black babies is not as important as your undemocratic EU project.

    Finally and most misleadingly (It’s just like New Labour – keep repeating something even if it’s not true) peace in Europe was from the fact NATO exists and the US, under Ronald Reagan, broke the Soviet Union by placing tanks in West Germany.

    And before you get excited kiddies and say it’s not true read Gorbachev’s memoirs.

    And in case anyone spins the New Labour pro-Europe line of “We’ve had peace in Europe for the longest time blah blah”…

    …the longest period of peace in Europe was between 1871 and 1914 and not from the Maastricht Treaty (shame on you John Major) in 93.

    But in true New Labour style I’m sure all you EU experts will start to distort the facts about the EU to support your case.

    It may be a good thing – I don’t know – but we should have been asked.

  3. Martin Burns

    RT leftfootfwd What's the EU ever done for us? http://bit.ly/2Ipewe

  4. Kevin Peel

    What's the EU ever done for us? http://tiny.cc/mAb3o (via @leftfootfwd) < I had the idea to do this during Euro's but no one would pay!

  5. Paul Evans

    Have a look? What’s the EU ever done for us? http://url4.eu/n6Zp

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