Storm latest • Largest rainfall ever • Evidence of climatic change • More to come in future

The flash floods and storms that hit Cumbria are something we'll see more of, unless action is taken to deal with global warming, says Envoronment Agency head.

The Chief Executive of the Environment Agency, Paul Leinster, told Nicky Campbell on BBC Radio 5 Live this morning (1:08:23):

“I believe we are seeing climatic change, yes, and I think that the sorts of storms and the increased rain that we’re seeing is the sort of thing that we will see more of in the future.”

He added:

“This is the largest amount of rainfall that we have ever seen in a 24-hour period, so, yes, we keep the records, but, every now and again, the records get broken, and this is one of the occasions, this was a record-breaking event.”

The Met Office confirmed a record 12.3 inches of rain fell in 24 hours in the area — the heaviest rainfall ever recorded in the UK.

Environment Secretary Hilary Benn told the BBC that flood defences were meant to withstand a one-in-100-years flood — but could not cope with the volume of water.

Mr Benn said:

“What we dealt with last night was probably more like one-in-a-1,000, so even the very best defences, if you have such quantities of rain in such a short space of time, can be over-topped”

The Met Office said the amount of rain expected for all of November fell in one day. During severe floods in the UK in 2007 the Prime Minister had also made the climate link.

18 Responses to “Storm latest • Largest rainfall ever • Evidence of climatic change • More to come in future”

  1. Arnold B Smith

    Shamik Das – It is quite clear you are out of your depth here and Anon raises a good point.

    Do you believe Gordon Brown actually believes this climate change stuff or not? If he does to then approve the runway at Heathrow and coal fired power stations is a criminal act.

    So which is it Shamik? He believes in global warming but doesn’t care in any event? Charming man – he needs to be arrested…

  2. Brucey Banner

    This is from his website and tells you all you need to know on Shamik Das guys. “I MEAN, I’ve heard of dreadlocks… Juuuuust kidding! M. Henry’s still a class act, one moment of unsportsmanship will never erase all the good he’s done. And in any case, who among us, who among us, could honestly say, honestly say, they wouldn’t have done the same?!”

    Guess what Sham. Anyone who is an honest sportsman would not say cheating is fair if you can get away with it or not. Cheating is wrong and you are SO New Labour Shamik Das it hurts.

  3. Anon E Mouse

    Told you they were fiddling the data.

    Forget the emails. Anyone who writes computer programs in a high level language, such as C, puts in comments to remind themselves of what the code is dong and to allow future programmers to make changes to the code.

    There are two files normally generated, a “Source Code” file (where the comments are) and the compiled file or “Object” (.obj) file or .asm file.

    (I’m a 1980’s Z80 man so this may be dated but you get the point)

    The file, after compiling, has the comments and other stuff removed and it is basically (no pun there) the “computer code” for the machine to run on.

    So the climate change programmer has left his comments here:

    Personally since they don’t include the effects of the sun I can’t take the data seriously but I’m surprised that this terrific blog, being progressive as it claims, hasn’t picked up on this.

  4. Shamik Das

    You know the deniers are getting desperate when they start getting personal. Using your logic, Anon, might I ask why you are so opposed to a third runway if you don’t believe there’s any evidence of man-made climate change? In your opinion, it won’t the blindest bit of difference, so why oppose it?!

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