Protect children from “evil” of homosexuality, says Cameron’s Lithuanian partner

Cameron's Lithuanian partner reveals his homophobic views. Valdemar Tomasevski describes homosexuality as an "evil" from which children should be protected.

David Cameron’s Lithuanian partner has revealed his homophobic views in an email to Left Foot Forward. Valdemar Tomasevski MEP – leader of the ‘Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania’ and a member of David Cameron’s alliance of far right Europeans – describes homosexuality as an “evil” from which children should be protected and says “we cannot allow these people to claim … that homosexuality is normal.” He goes on to say that most “[most] abortions are made from ignorance.”

The MEP’s own website contains an interview in Lithuanian setting out his views on a range of social issues. This blog asked for a translation and received the following from Tomasevski’s office:

“I accept existence of homosexuals – we are tolerant state. But homosexuality is also a very good example of the wrong understanding of tolerance. We have to respect every human being, including those who experience sexual attraction to the same-sex.

But we cannot allow these people to claim and explain even to children at kindergarten that homosexuality is normal and encourage people to become homosexuals. Those who talk about tolerance should understand that and respect the constitutional right to protecting children from evil.”

The revelations come on the back of an investigation last month by Soho Politico on Liberal Conspiracy that Tomasevski had “personally voted for a Lithuanian law that has been described as a harsher, more wide-reaching version of Britain’s Section 28.” On his own blog Soho Politico asked last week whether the Tories refused to to condemn the Lithuanian hate law to “appease [Valdemar Tomasevski] their anti-gay Euro ally.”

In the email from the Lithuanian politician’s office to this blogger, Tomasevski also set out his views on abortion. He said:

“I generally do not use the word “abortion”. This concept was invented by the Bolsheviks. Lenin was the first who introduced abortion laws. I prefer the term “killing unborn children.” Most of these abortions are made from ignorance.

“I do not want the absolute prohibition of abortion. There should be certain exceptions: If the woman’s life is at risk, if rape has taken place, where there is a risk of birth defects.

The remarks are likely to reopen doubts about David Cameron’s alliance with European politicians who show sexist and Islamophobic tendencies, deny the existence of climate change, and celebrate the Waffen SS.

25 Responses to “Protect children from “evil” of homosexuality, says Cameron’s Lithuanian partner”

  1. kerry

    i have been fighting with people who suport gay children in the defending the truth forum. which i am about to just leave and not go back. it would make you sick how kids are not importaint if they stand in the way of gay tights.. gays can still live normal while keeping what they vdo privet. they just dont care how it effects kids.. i am so descusted and sick from it i punched my computer screen. hard. using the spare. what can i do about this.. tell me. leave a comment to me. email me. they are even teaching small kids in grade school. can i signe a pitition or somthing?.


  2. kerry

    i have been fighting with people who suport gay children in the defending the truth forum. which i am about to just leave and not go back. it would make you sick how kids are not importaint if they stand in the way of gay rights.. gays can still live normal while keeping what they vdo privet. they just dont care how it effects kids.. i am so descusted and sick from it i punched my computer screen. hard. using the spare. what can i do about this.. tell me. leave a comment to me. email me. they are even teaching small kids in grade school. can i signe a pitition or somthing?.


  3. kerry

    in my last comment a minut ago i mispelld rights as tights.. and theres no way to edit it. can you correct it

  4. kerry

    if this site has a list of names to show suport agenst gay as made normal by law.. count my name in

  5. kerry

    its me again.. i studyd up on Lithuania. im from new york. the trick of prortecting children from this evil is keeping it out of the school system. and out of kids minds. untill they finnish grade school by which then they will be old enought to know whats right or wrong if this is done the war on this evil is won. my hats off to Lithuania for fighting it

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