Conservative party paranoia on Poland

An Conservative party employee used a fake name and email to comment on an article on this blog about anti-semitism in Poland. The Tory party was not mentioned.

An employee of the Conservative party has used a fake name and email address to comment on a Left Foot Forward guest post about anti-semitism in Poland.

The Guest blog post, published last Wednesday, examined the case of a Polish politician, Marek Jurek, calling for the Polish Government to take legal action against London-based Polish Film Director, Aro Korol, for his planned film – “Hitler’s Daughter” – which exposes anti-Semitism in Poland. The article made no mention of either the British Conservative party or the European Conservatives and Reformists.

The commenter, who uses the name “Gordon” wrote:

“So Jurek is a FORMER member of Law and Justice. And Law and Justice sit with the Tories in the European Parliament. So what?

“That’s as tenuous as expecting the Polish Socialists to be embarrassed bcause George Galloway, a former member of the British Labour Party, made an outrageous statement in the House of Commons.

“Is that the sound of barrels being scraped?”

The IP address is registered to Although is a different URL to the Conservative party’s main website ( and shows only a Daniel Hannan video and a picture of a pile of cash, an IPBlock query reveals that the IP address is registered to Anne Nunan, Director of IT at Conservative Central Office, 25 Victoria St and Vince Cooper of the same address.

Left Foot Forward contacted the Conservative Party to ask if they would ask their staff member, and other staff, to desist from attacking challenges to anti-semitism in this way.

A Conservative spokesman declined to do so while describing the comments as “innocuous” and “odd.” He outlined that CCHQ did not have “a team of people commenting on websites such as yours” and reiterated that the Conservative party opposed all forms of anti-semitism.

46 Responses to “Conservative party paranoia on Poland”

  1. FYI

    I’m British, I’m a liberal, I know this subject, and I care about accurate journalism.

    Now your turn.

  2. Anon E Mouse

    It’s the way Tony Benn describes the ends of empires – basically Labour is over and every activist, facing at least a decade in the wilderness is clutching at straws in the vain hope the electorate forgives this government for the shameful way it has behaved for over a decade.

    The electorate will not forgive or forget and rightly so.

    It’s over. You know it. Every reader of this blog knows it. Labour knows it.

    I am nervous though of Will revealing who has been making comments on his blog though – that’s really not in the spirit of the thing but then Labour seem so expert at lies and smears and not playing fair what can one expect?

    Most of the Left and Left Leaning blogs are a joke in this country seemingly run by idealistic monkeys hardly out of school.

    This blog seemed different. Try and be less partisan Will and this blog may still be read after May 6th next year. Most others will thankfully be gone.

  3. FYI

    And for the record, I don’t have any political ties whatsoever, meaning I am not a member of a political party. I am not acting on behalf of any pressure group nor any PR interest.

    I am entirely self-motivated and have a free and independent mind on this matter. I have put forward an informed and rational point.

    I would invite you to do the same, if you feel challenged by what I say. That would be far more compelling than personal attacks or attempts to undermine my character.

  4. Anon E Mouse

    Unity – you sound like a member of the Stasi the way you demand to know FYI’s political allegiance.

    No need to ask yours – New Labour to the core.

    The fact is, once again, the Left loves to play the man and not the ball.

    With a Prime Minister, (in fairness forced on the Labour Party without a vote) as bad as Brown I’m surprised anyone mentions peoples personality.

    This story is a non starter regardless of who the Tories align themselves with. No one cares. The Tories could be in a partnership with Hitler and the British people would still elect them.

    Labour has blown it – I’ve never voted Tory in my whole life but I won’t vote Labour again. Try and find a single person who says they’ll vote Labour in South Wales and I’ll show you a delusional fool.

  5. Dave Cole

    You know, I think it would be great if the Conservatives (or Labour, for that matter) had people posting on blogs, giving their point of view – so long as they are honest about it.

    This was someone posting from CCHQ to spoil a story and not declaring their affiliation. It stinks like rotten haddock.

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