Miliband on Tory far-Right alliance: “It makes me sick”

The Foreign Secretary hits out at the Tories for joing forces with racists, anti-Semites and homophobes in the European Parliament

David Miliband feels “sick” at the conduct of the Tories in Europe. Describing the Conservatives as “a bunch of schoolboys,” the Foreign Secretary hit out at David Cameron and his colleagues for ditching Europe’s mainstream centre-Right parties to “sit with a collection of outcasts.”

Speaking at the Labour party conference today he said:

“Last week on the BBC – and you should go through the transcript – Eric Pickles, the chairman of the Conservative party, explained without a hint of shame that we should not condemn one of their new allies, the ‘For Fatherland and Freedom’ party, who every year celebrate the Latvian Waffen SS with a march past of SS veterans, because ‘they were only following orders’.

“It makes me sick.

“And you know what makes me sicker? No one in the Tory party batted an eyelid.

“What do they say? All you need for evil to triumph is for good men to remain silent.

“When Edward McMillan-Scott, one of their own MEPs, a former leader of the Tory group in Europe, took these people on, and won the Vice Presidency of the European Parliament, defeating a man denounced by the Chief Rabbi of Poland for an anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi past, what did the Tories do to MacMillan-Scott? They chucked him out of the Tory party.”

11 Responses to “Miliband on Tory far-Right alliance: “It makes me sick””

  1. murmur

    Bogus story. Milliband is jewish and is apparently consorting with anti-semites. Who knows why?

    What communist apologists like to avoid is that the invading Red Army’s kommisars and apparatchiks did not have the best interests of the subjugated Latvians at heart. What they also like to avoid like the plague is that those directing the bloodshed happened to be jewish and apparently took to their task with some gusto:

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