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12 Responses to “Gordon Brown: change, people, new, Britain”
12 Responses to “Gordon Brown: change, people, new, Britain”
Will Straw
Word cloud of Brown’s speech. Key words: change, people, new, Britain
Shamik Das
RT @leftfootfwd @wdjstraw: Word cloud of Gordon Brown’s speech
Megan Radclyffe
Interesting… RT @leftfootforward A word cloud of Gordon’s speech Are we, the people of Britian, supposed to change?
He said there would be no return to the cardboard cities of the 1980s.
I do not think the homelessness situation has improved in the last 10 years. | Westminster Blog | Brown Speech Live Blog
[…] those who care, Will Straw has a “word cloud” which shows which words cropped up the […]