Reform UK candidate says he would ‘slaughter’ migrants arriving on small boats

Leslie Lilley is running for the party in Southend East and Rochford.

Lesley Lilley

Yet another Reform UK candidate has been exposed for his disgraceful and bigoted views after saying he would ‘slaughter’ migrants arriving on small boats and have their families ‘taken out’.

Leslie Lilley, who is running for the party in Southend East and Rochford, made the comments on Facebook, the Times revealed.

He made a comment post on June 2020 on a post about the arrival of a small boat in Dover saying: ‘I hope I’m near one of these scumbags one day. I won’t run away, I’ll slaughter them then have their family taken out.’

The same month, Lilley, now 70, railed against “more scum entering the UK”, adding “I hope your family get Robbed, Beaten or attacked”.

It comes as activists for Reform have been recorded making extremely offensive slurs while campaigning for Nigel Farage in Clacton.

Undercover footage taken from a Channel 4 investigation reveals one Reform member, Andrew Parker, calling Rishi Sunak a “f**king p**i”. He also suggests that small boats coming across the English channel should be used as “target practice” on migrants.

The revelations show the kind of views that Reform candidates hold.

Earlier this month it was also revealed that a Reform UK candidate posted in a blog that the country would be “far better” if it had “taken Hitler up on his offer of neutrality” instead of fighting the Nazis in World War Two, leading to widespread outrage and condemnation.

When confronted with the views of his candidates, Farage has sought to blame a vetting company for what has happened.

He previously told LBC: “Have we had trouble with one or two candidates? Yes, we have.

“We paid a large sum of money to a well-known vetting company, and they didn’t do the work.

“We have been stitched up politically, and that’s given us problems. And I accept that and I’m sorry for that.”

Basit Mahmood is editor of Left Foot Forward

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