Vote for Left Foot Forward in the Total Politics 2011 Blog Awards

Left Foot Forward has, for the past year, tracked the government’s policies and the rhetoric of its cheerleaders in the press, checking their veracity and whether their assertions stack up. Our unique evidence-based approach to blogging has provided campaigners, activists and readers with the arguments they need to make the case for a society that cares for its weak, and an economy that works for everyone and not just the richest.
That is why we are asking you to vote for Left Foot Forward in the Total Politics 2011 Blog Awards (which can be done here).
Left Foot Forward has stood alongside campaigners – online and offline – as we defended that which we hold dear. We have made serious inroads into the Government’s plans to wreck our health service, and mounted a strong defence of our public realm – from support for aspiring teenagers in further and higher education, to the protection of our national forests.
Our volunteer contributers have been there every step of the way, providing campaigners with the evidence they need to take on destructive right-wing policies: from showing how the Education Maintenance Allowance is so vital, to how the NHS and tuition fees reforms would end up costing taxpayers more, while undermining equal access for all.
We have published groundbreaking research on how the Government’s disability reforms – pushing the able-bodied into unemployment, and the disabled into poverty – are based on an outdated view of our welfare system. And at every turn, we have shown how Osbornomics is trashing our economy and society, destroying lives and causing needless pain.
Left Foot Forward is a unique blog – long on facts, short on waffle and an invaluable yet free source for progressive campaigners. With your support, we can continue to work for the causes and values you care so much about.
Voting closes today.
Thanks so much for all your support,
Dan, Shamik, and the Left Foot Forward team
Left Foot Forward doesn't have the backing of big business or billionaires. We rely on the kind and generous support of ordinary people like you.
You can support hard-hitting journalism that holds the right to account, provides a forum for debate among progressives, and covers the stories the rest of the media ignore. Donate today.
18 Responses to “Vote for Left Foot Forward in the Total Politics 2011 Blog Awards”
Legal Aware
Vote for Left Foot Forward in the Total Politics 2011 Blog Awards: : writes @danielelton
Andrew Rhodes
Vote for Left Foot Forward in the Total Politics 2011 Blog Awards: : writes @danielelton
Tony Burke
Vote for Left Foot Forward in the Total Politics 2011 Blog Awards: : writes @danielelton
Mr. Sensible
I find myself agreeing with most of the articles on this blog, and I knothat writers evience their articles carefully.
Keep up the good work,LFF!
RT @leftfootfwd: Vote for Left Foot Forward in the Total Politics 2011 Blog Awards: : writes @danielelton #NewsClub