Europe braced for upheaval as Italy and Austria go to the polls
In both races, anti-establishment populists are trying to disrupt the status quo
In both races, anti-establishment populists are trying to disrupt the status quo
Voters now have until midnight Thursday after website crash
A new cross-party group chaired by Caroline Lucas considers the limits of growth
It is exercise that will fix Britain’s obesity – not an overcomplicated tax system
Labour’s support of Europe could be its biggest selling point to businesses who know the importance of an open market
Labour veterans who supported Chile Solidarity will know what’s coming next
A jump in the number of housing benefit claimants shows the government is prioritising being ‘tough’ about benefits ahead of being correct about them.
Christine Ottery of Greenpeace reports from the World Coal summit, which coincides with the second week of UN climate negotiations in Warsaw.
Nye Bevan has been rolling in his grave so much this year I doubt he can remember whether he’s facing up or down. After NHS privatisation was finally sealed in April, the principal of free and publicly accountable universal healthcare is now being further undermined by talk of GPs charging patients for their appointments.
Today George Osborne more than halved the amount of tax the UK’s nascent shale gas industry will need to pay, from 62 per cent to 30 per cent.