Single Donation

Can you help us shine a light on the right?

From a right-wing press to well-funded Tory coffers, the odds are stacked against the left. It’s time to step up. Left Foot Forward‘s campaigning journalism relies on the support of readers like you. Can you help hold the right to account and ensure we reach as many people as possible? We can't do this without you. Back hard-hitting, campaigning journalism today. Payments are secured by PayPal, but you do not need an PayPal account to make a one-time donation through our site.


Can you help us shine a light on the right?

From a right-wing press to well-funded Tory coffers, the odds are stacked against the left. It’s time to step up.

Left Foot Forward‘s campaigning journalism relies on the support of readers like you. Can you help hold the right to account and ensure we reach as many people as possible? We can’t do this without you. Back hard-hitting, campaigning journalism today.

Payments are secured by PayPal, but you do not need an PayPal account to make a one-time donation through our site.

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