The British political system breeds corruption
“Whilst any drive against corruption is welcome, a focus on Covid alone will neither shackle predatory corporations nor the political system which nurtures nefarious practices.”
“Whilst any drive against corruption is welcome, a focus on Covid alone will neither shackle predatory corporations nor the political system which nurtures nefarious practices.”
Left Foot Forward reported live from Green Party conference
‘We should scrap HS2 to Manchester because it won’t even reach the city for another two decades,” says Sunak. While stood in front of a sign which says “Long-term decisions for a brighter future.”‘
The ruling Conservative Party might have reflected on its failures and offered fresher policies to rejuvenate the economy and heal social divisions
There is no evidence that ratcheting up sanctions incentivizes people into work
The truth is that the decline in the numbers of traffic police has led to a focus on those road offences that can be enforced by cameras.
‘The aim was to shift state expenditure and debt on to low and middle income households, and create space for tax cuts for corporations and the rich’
These are big takeaways from the Liberal Democrat conference in Bournemouth
Questions ought to be asked about Wilko directors paying £3m in dividends in the financial year to 31 January 2022 when Wilko made a pre-tax loss of £38.7m
2.1 million pensioners currently live in poverty