Will the perpetrators in the Post Office scandal be held to account?
We need a government with a will to break the iron-grip of corporations and elites on institutions of government.
We need a government with a will to break the iron-grip of corporations and elites on institutions of government.
‘Political parties incessantly talk about low economic growth but none are willing to address the major issues’
The root cause of the scandal is corporate power and its ability to hound and silence people into submission.
‘Feudalism never completely disappeared from the UK. It simply put on new garbs.’
‘It is all one-way traffic, designed to boost corporate profits, weaken worker rights and penalise trade unions’
The conscription of workers is an abuse of state power and the government is openly pursuing anti-worker policies.
‘The Bill only targets the less well-off. There is no equivalent surveillance of legislators who accept payments to advance the interests of their corporate paymasters.’
‘The chancellor delivered a continuation of austerity, public spending cuts and tax hikes.’
“Overall, the government is unlikely to charter a new course for the economy or provide relief for millions of households though with an eye on next year’s general election it may throw a crumb or two to bribe the electorate.”
“The policies outlined in the King’s Speech deepen repression and social divisions, and do not provide a springboard for economic rejuvenation.”