EXCLUSIVE: Left wing network to launch at Green Party Conference

Greens Organise wants to 'build the left within the party, and the party within the left'

Green Party activists standing with a party banner

Green Party members are set to launch a new left-wing group within the party at its conference in Manchester this weekend. Branded ‘Greens Organise‘, the group intends to ‘build the left within the party, and the party within the left’, capitalising on left wing disenfranchisement with the Labour Party.

At the time of publishing, more than 60 members of the Green Party have signed an open letter – dubbed the ‘Manchester Manifesto’ – in support of the group. Among the high profile signatories to the letter are London Assembly member Zoë Garbett, the Greens’ migration spokesperson Benali Hamdache, and Wales Green Party deputy leader Philip Davies.

Greens Organise has indicated it wants to harness what it describes as an ’emboldened trade union movement’, the burgeoning anti-fascist and pro-Palestinian movements, and the climate justice movement – seeking to become the ‘principal electoral voice’ of these.

According to the letter, Greens Organise supporters “believe in the power of a clear, bold message that speaks directly to the public’s demand for real change, mobilises a diverse working class, and secures a broad mandate for an internationalist, anti-capitalist, and ecologically transformative agenda.”

The group have said they want to see the Greens adopt an ‘expanded political strategy’, which will create a ‘step change in electoral ambition’, strengthen the connections between the Green Party and social movements, and take a stand against what they describe as a ‘rising tide of bigotry’ in the UK.

Greens Organise will be hosting a launch event on the Saturday of Green Party Conference.

Chris Jarvis is head of strategy and development at Left Foot Forward

Image credit: Jon Craig – Creative Commons

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