Telegraph’s Brexit U-turn: Move to EU to avoid UK red tape

'Such an ironic headline from the paper that told us to leave the EU. Incredible, and no shame whatsoever.'

The Telegraph, a staunch advocate of Brexit, has consistently championed the alleged benefits of leaving the EU. In April 2016, the Sunday Telegraph editor, Allister Heath wrote:  “EU red tape is suffocating the UK economy and Brexit can set us free.”

But this week, the newspaper featured an extraordinary story about a family who had bought their “dream home” in France for £25k, which “would cost £1.5m in England.”

“Britons ditch the land of red tape to pursue dream of home ownership on the Continent,” the newspaper splashed. 

The article details how the family moved to France to get on the housing ladder without incurring a “six-figure mortgage.” They even started a business there, with the Telegraph noting, “And, perhaps unexpectedly in the land of red tape, the move also opened the door to business opportunities that were unaffordable due to high business rates back home.”

It is some way into the report when readers are informed that the family moved to France before the UK left the European Union, and therefore “faced no complicated Visa process.”

Admitting how much easier it was for UK citizens to live and work in the EU before Brexit, the article states: “British citizens who moved to an EU country before the end of the Brexit transition period on December 31, 2020, are typically allowed to continue living there without a visa under the Withdrawal Agreement. 

“They must still apply for a new residence status, which varies by country, but generally includes the right to work, study, and access public services.”

It even cites an employee relocation expert saying how “moving to Europe as a Brit has become more difficult.”

In appearing to contradict its own position on Brexit, the article was widely mocked.

Critics pointed out the irony of advocating for a move to the EU to avoid UK red tape, which was exacerbated by Brexit, a cause the newspaper strongly supported.

“Easy to buy [property]. Very hard to live and work in an EU country because we lost our freedom of movement rights due to Brexit well done Telegraph!” was one comment.

“Such an ironic headline from the paper that told us to leave the EU. Incredible, and no shame whatsoever,” was another.

Sheffield for Europe shared their disbelief. “From the Daily Telegraph. You really couldn’t make this stuff up, could you? Advocating moving to the EU to avoid all that UK red tape – from the very paper that pushed for Brexit ending our freedom of movement and forcing all that additional red tape on us,” wrote the pro-Europe group.

Even the newspaper’s own readers were confused, pointing out that current regulations make it difficult to live in France now. Others blamed soaring UK mortgage costs on Conservative policies and the mini budget, noting that the very Brexit the Telegraph advocated for has made affordable living abroad more challenging.

Gabrielle Pickard-Whitehead is a contributing editor to Left Foot Forward  

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