Green Party wins four seats in breakthrough election

The Greens received a record number of votes

Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay speaking at Green Party conference

The Green Party has secured its best ever general election result on an historic night for the country.

At the time of writing, the Greens have won four seats in the House of Commons. Prior to this election, the party had never won more than one seat.

The Green Party’s co-leaders were both elected to parliament, with Carla Denyer unseating Labour’s Thangam Debbonaire, and Adrian Ramsay gaining Waveney Valley from the Tories.

Former party co-leader Sian Berry replaces Caroline Lucas as the MP for Brighton Pavilion, and Ellie Chowns gained North Herefordshire from the Tories.

The Greens are also on track to secure their highest ever vote share across the country. At the time of writing, more than 1.8 million votes were cast for the Greens. That’s around 700,000 votes more than the party’s previous record in 2015.

Chris Jarvis is the head of strategy and development at Left Foot Forward

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