James Cleverly allegedly calls Stockton North ‘a s***hole’ following child poverty question

“There is no doubt that these comments shame the home secretary, this rotten government and the Tory Party. He is clearly unfit for his high office.”

James Cleverly Home Secretary

Tory MP James Cleverly has been condemned for allegedly calling Stockton North a ‘s***hole’, after a Labour MP asked why a third of children in the constituency live in poverty.

Labour’s Alex Cunningham had asked Rishi Sunak during Prime Minister’s Questions why child poverty rates in his constituency were so high, to which he claims Mr Cleverly responded: “Because it’s a s—hole.”

During his question, a man’s voice can clearly be heard saying “it’s a shithole” before the PM delivers his answer.

Cunningham later told the Commons during a point of order: “During Prime Minister’s Questions today I asked the Prime Minister why 34 per cent of children in my constituency lived in poverty.

“Before the Prime Minister answered, the Home Secretary chose to add in his penny’s worth. I have contacted his office, advising him I planned to name him but sadly he’s chosen not to be in the chamber. He was seen and heard to say, ‘Because it’s a s—hole.’

“I know he is denying being the culprit, but the audio is clear. It has been checked and checked and checked again.

“There is no doubt that these comments shame the home secretary, this rotten government and the Tory Party. He is clearly unfit for his high office.”

A spokesman for Cleverly said: “He didn’t say that. He wouldn’t say that. He’s disappointed anyone would accuse him of it.”

Basit Mahmood is editor of Left Foot Forward

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