The Green co-leader has set out her party's red lines.
The Green Party would make proportional representation and meaningful action on the climate crisis red lines in any post-election negotiations with Labour, the party’s co-leader Carla Denyer has said. She made the comments at a fringe meeting at the Green Party’s conference in Brighton in response to a question from Left Foot Forward.
Asked what red lines the Greens would have in any coalition negotiations with Labour if Keir Starmer’s party fails to win an outright majority at the next election, Denyer said: “I think at the very least the two red lines would need to be obviously strong policies on climate change and a proportional voting system”.
She went on to say, “While we are happy to work with other parties where we have common ground, we’re not just going to be rolling over and doing whatever they say, we’re going to be negotiating hard.”
Denyer also pointed to the arrangement for government the Scottish Green Party currently has with the SNP as a model to follow for coalition and cooperation.
Denyer’s comments mirror those made by the party’s deputy leader Zack Polanski earlier in the conference. At another fringe meeting, Polanski said ‘proportional representation would be a red line’ in any coalition negotiations with Labour.
Chris Jarvis is head of strategy and development at Left Foot Forward
Image credit: Matthew Phillip Long – Creative Commons
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