Guto Harri roasted after suggesting Boris Johnson has been ‘deprived of a livelihood’

'Boris Johnson probably isn’t going to go hungry as a result of leaving parliament'


Boris Johnson’s former aide Guto Harri has been roasted on BBC Question Time after suggesting that the MPs who found the former Prime Minister knowingly misled Parliament have deprived him of a livelihood.

The outlandish suggestion was made after the Privileges Committee released a scathing report into Johnson yesterday, in which it found that he had deliberately misled parliament over lockdown parties in Downing Street on numerous occasions.

The 30,000-word report also revealed that the Committee recommended that had Boris still been a sitting MP that he would have been suspended for 90 days.

Appearing on Question Time, Harri said: “I don’t think If you can deprive people of their livelihood you need to be beyond reproach.

“And the idea that the former leader of the Labour party can decide essentially on the process and the outcome that drives out a Conservative prime minister from parliament for me, whether you like Boris or not, does not look like due process.”

Fellow Question Time panellist David Linden of the SNP seized on Harri’s comments, exposing how ridiculous they were, saying that he found it hard to believe that ‘a guy who voted 3 times in the Commons since he left office and earned £5 million’ would lose their livelihood.

“Boris Johnson probably isn’t going to go hungry as a result of leaving parliament,” he added.

Harri’s comments were also condemned on social media, with one social media user writing: “This isn’t depriving Johnson of his “livelihood”. Last month, Johnson claimed £2.4million ahead of a speaking tour of the US (@standardnews). Being a MP was always a sideshow for him.”

Basit Mahmood is editor of Left Foot Forward

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