Nadhim Zahawi’s shocking expenses claim resurfaces after he becomes chancellor

After it emerged that taxpayers were paying for the electricity supply to his stables, Zahawi pledged to repay part of the £5,822.27 expenses claim.

Nadhim Zahawi

Nadhim Zahawi’s shocking expenses claim has resurfaced after he was appointed chancellor, and it goes to show just how out of touch the latest millionaire to hold the post is.

Zahawi, it was revealed by the Mirror in 2013, claimed for electricity to run his horse riding school stables and a yard manager’s mobile home. MPs are only allowed expenses linked to their work in Parliament.

After it emerged that taxpayers were paying for the electricity supply to his stables, Zahawi pledged to repay part of the £5,822.27 expenses claim.

The now chancellor told the paper at the time that the expenses ‘were a mistake’. He said: “On investigation I have made a mistake with the electricity. I will be paying back any money wrongly claimed immediately and I apologise ­unreservedly.”

As millions up and down the country struggle with the rising cost of living, Zahawi is yet another Tory completely out of touch with the rest of the country.

Basit Mahmood is editor of Left Foot Forward

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