Trump: Angela Merkel shames Theresa May with message for next US president

Spot the difference between the two leaders' responses


Compare and contrast the following statements from the leaders of two Western democracies upon the election of Donald Trump as US president.

The first is from the British Prime Minister, Theresa May:

“I would like to congratulate Donald Trump on being elected the next President of the United States, following a hard-fought campaign.

Britain and the United States have an enduring and special relationship based on the values of freedom, democracy and enterprise. We are, and we will remain, close partners on trade, security and defence.

I look forward to working with President-elect Donald Trump, building on those ties to ensure the security and prosperity of our nations in the years ahead.”

All very pleasant. Now read the statement released by the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel:

“There’s no country we Germans have as close a relationship with as the United States of America. Whoever rules this vast country, with its enormous economic strength, its military potential, its cultural influence, carries a responsibility which is felt all over the world.

Americans have decided that the person to carry this responsibility for the next four years is Donald Trump.

Germany and America are connected by common values: democracy, freedom, respect for the law and for human dignity irrespective of origin, skin colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation or political conviction.

On the basis of these values, I offer the future president of America, Donald Trump, a close working relationship.

Partnership with the USA remains a basic pillar of German foreign policy in order for us to meet the great challenges of our time: striving for economic and social wellbeing and a forward-looking climate policy, the fight against terrorism, hunger and disease, engagement for peace and freedom, in Germany, Europe and all over the world.”

Spot the difference.

Yet another reminder we should drop the jokes about Germany and authoritarianism. Living in the past is the problem to begin with, and we’re increasingly on shaky ground to be pointing fingers.

Adam Barnett is staff writer for Left Foot Forward. Follow him on Twitter @AdamBarnett13 

See: ‘Devastating’, ‘heartbreaking’, ‘clearly wrong’ – progressives respond to Trump’s election

21 Responses to “Trump: Angela Merkel shames Theresa May with message for next US president”

  1. Mick

    OH YES, LEFT! Let it all out! Let the hate and lather foam!

    Oh left, left! Forces are afoot, real grassroots one, which you are not bridling any more! The Americans voted Obama twice. You clots had your turn. Just as you had it with the EU and FAILED!

    Michael Walker handed your backsides to you! THAT is why you are not in charge! You pretend to care, then fly off the handle the MOMENT someone dissents!


  2. David Davies

    Wrecksit has not even started yet, and look what has happened to sterling and oil prices. The 3 Stooges have not a clue how to go about pressing the Article 50 button, even though St. Theresa seems perfectly happy to press the one that could vapourise millions.

    Whatever happens, the rich don’t care – and the poor don’t matter.

  3. Peter

    @Michael WALKER

    “You are just putting words into our mouths. Typical left wing lying claptrap. … You rant just persuades me – and many others – you cannot argue but call everyone who disagrees with you “racist”.”:
    I can say the exact same. No real argument here. On that note: Who said I am left? I am just open enough to see that life is about acceptance. If you read your posts the only thing you preach is “If it doesn’t suit you, don’t accept it and have your own opinion no matter how detrimental to certain social groups”.

    I am not putting words in your mouth. I quote:
    “I do NOT accept any religion which says that treating non members badly – or killing them is acceptable.”
    “Your beliefs are dangerous. Try going to Saudi and preaching Christianity. You would last 5 minutes.”
    It does not even matter if this is targeted at the Islam or not. You think, because there are issues in Saudi Arabia it gives you the right to judge an entire religion which certainly is not only practised there. Just what I said, stereotyping. How does it affect you if they do not accept christianity in Saudi Arabia? If you’re trying to use the “argument” now that if they don’t accept it you don’t have to do it either you’re pretty much using tit for tat – and that is very much a kindergarden thing.

    Finally, I’d recommend some academic papers on the correlation of stereotyping and education. 😉 Then I don’t have to tell you that it’s simply uneducated and it’s not only a “lefty” argument.


    First of all, I am not from the UK – I have two passports from other countries – so technically at least partly “my clots” are still in charge. I can also tell you that this will stay like that and it’s going just fine ;). Plus, even the UK won’t get around accepting rules set by the EU. Economy wise you have no leverage so in the end you won’t get that full separation from the EU anyway. For my countries, I do not think that the effect of the UK leaving is as detrimental to them. Our currencies are still stable and the main part of the economy is here. 😉

  4. Michael WALKER


    So you condemn me as racist for opposing religious teaching which despises those not members of that religion.
    Therefore by definition you support such teaching. And the hatred and mistreatment of others due to their beliefs

    And you then have the effrontery to condemn me.

    Words fail me.

    And finally “Finally, I’d recommend some academic papers on the correlation of stereotyping and education. Then I don’t have to tell you that it’s simply uneducated and it’s not only a “lefty” argument.”

    Well tough but I am 1. not stereotyping
    2 Not uneducated.

    Nor do I go around calling others “morons”.

    You support maltreatment of others, call other “morons” and claim superiority.. What blind arrogance.

  5. Mick

    “Wrecksit has not even started yet, and look what has happened to sterling and oil prices. ”

    Sterling has held fast and oil prices are rigged by OPEC. Project Fear has failed, will fail and ever shall.

    Have you people not LEARNED? As even RUSSELL BRAND says, a man who accepts fate better than others, you can’t scare people who know the EU has done little for them anyway!

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