Jeremy Corbyn goes from court jester to Queen snubber in 24 hours – so says the Sun

The press attacks have begun, with Corbyn blasted as hypocrite and traitor


The Sun didn’t waste time this week before attacking the new Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn.

Monday’s front page ran with ‘Corbyn: abolish the army’, citing a speech from three years earlier. Is this front page news?

Since then the paper’s eagerness to paint Corbyn in a bad light has seen it commit a massive contradiction worth highlighting.

Here’s yesterday’s front page:

Sun 15 9 15

As the Sun Says column explained:

“Corbyn, a lifelong republican, will kiss the Queen’s hand and swear allegiance to secure millions in funding for Labour. […]

How many other ‘principles’ will be jettisoned before the scales fall from the eyes of his naive young supporters?”

It turns out the Sun’s own source for the story claims there was no link between the deference and the cash. But on today:

Sun 16 9 15

The story says:

“Jeremy Corbyn was last night accused of snubbing the Queen after he refused to sing the national anthem.

The left-wing Labour boss remained tight-lipped at the Battle of Britain memorial.”

In other words, within 24 hours the Sun went from calling Corbyn a court jester to saying he snubbed the Queen.

Imagine for a second what would have happened if he had declined to swear allegiance to the Queen but then did sing the national anthem at the memorial. Would the Sun have just reversed its front covers these last two days?

Whatever Corbyn does here he’s going to be accused of both hypocrisy and treachery. Such is the fate of a backbench rebel suddenly in the national spotlight. The Sun has clearly started as it means to go on: attack, attack, and attack again – consistency be damned.

Today’s story deserves another point, especially as every paper bar the Daily Mail has run it on page one.

There may be an argument that as Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn should swallow his pride and sing the national anthem to avoid causing a row or annoying much of the electorate – especially at a memorial service for the country’s fallen.

But the fact is, neither Jeremy Corbyn nor anyone else may be forced to sing the national anthem.

As Graham Smith, CEO of Republic and Left Foot Forward contributor said today:

“If we live in a free country we must be free to not sing God Save The Queen. […]

Whatever your thoughts about Corbyn he has always been clear about his republicanism.

But moreoever, whether republican or not it can’t be right that people are brow-beaten into singing a religious ode to the Queen.”

Even the most ardent monarchist would hopefully consider this reasonable.

The freedoms we are told were defended by the war must surely include the right not to sing if one chooses.

Adam Barnett is a staff writer at Left Foot Forward. Follow MediaWatch on Twitter

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24 Responses to “Jeremy Corbyn goes from court jester to Queen snubber in 24 hours – so says the Sun”

  1. reddyteddy

    The item in the sun was a blatant lie. You should know that, you are a serial liar.

  2. Eoireitum

    I’m an anti-theist who doesn’t mind a good old rendition of the Nat Anthem! It’s all metaphor, symbology and tradition/ritual. I’m grown up enough to belt it out whilst thinking there’s no god, that monarchy is faintly – and wonderfully – ridiculous and that any secular alternative will be rubbish (anyway, Jerusalem is far better…and chimes with an English non-conformist tradition for which this lefty pines…).

  3. ian Kemp

    So what . What we need is a more relevant national anthem that takes into acc diversity,, I am more interested in his policies than all this crap that the right wing press drags up .. Unfortunately quite a lot of the comfortable complacent Brits it is as far as their understanding of anything goes . Until we get a more balanced media which more accurately reflects the Uk s very diverse population this will continue.. Remember most of the press is owned by some extremely rich tax avoiders . It is in their interest to maintain the status quo. Its a sad reflection that ideas cannot be discussed in a mature adult way in the UK.. Remember that only 24% of population voted for this very right wing Gov. What is wrong with some renationalisation of railways and the utilities ?? Should not the NHS be better protected . Why is austerity necessary. If it is, and that is debatable , why should the rich 1% to 5% not pay more. ? The problem is that the so called centre ground has moved to the right so that what is left is considered more extreme than it is .. Its really just social democracy that is all .

  4. Eoireitum

    Am watching the Prince of Wales at Westminster Abbey. I may think our royalty are useless but as metaphor they are brilliant. He bowed his head to the wreath he laid. He bowed to them. As much as they may have honoured his grandfather. Mutual not servile – because it is given both ways. That’s a tribute honouring duty and debt.Sing the bloody hymn Jezza…in the same way that I may thank God what not believing in him. Reinforce the metaphor so that the words and tune mean less than the gesture.

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