He thinks feminists are ‘obnoxious bigots’: meet the new justice minister

Dominic Raab is no more keen on the Equality Act than he is on the Human Rights Act


Esher and Walton MP Dominic Raab has just been made justice minister alongside Michael Gove.

Raab is a longtime critic of the Human Rights Act – this appointment looks like David Cameron’s way of saying he is serious about scrapping it. In January 2014 Raab voted to allow human rights grounds to be used to prevent a foreign criminal being deported only in cases where there would be a breach of right to life or the right not to be tortured.

In 2013, he voted to remove the duty on the Commission for Equality and Human Rights to work to support the development of a society in which people’s ability to achieve their potential is not limited by prejudice or discrimination.

And in 2013 he also voted against making it illegal to discriminate on grounds of caste.

Raab also took an unusual stance on gender equality in 2011, when he expressed his fears that ‘from the cradle to the grave, men are getting a raw deal’. He attacked the ‘obnoxious bigotry’ of feminists and complained that men work longer hours than women (no mention of pay gap etc).

“While we have some of the toughest anti-discrimination laws in the world, we are blind to some of the most flagrant discrimination – against men.”

Seeming to have fallen at the first hurdle – assuming that feminism is anti-men  – Raab also suggested that men start ‘burning their briefs’, presumably as a long- overdue retaliation against the feminists of the sixties (who did not, in fact, burn their bras.)

Raab’s diatribe continued:

“Britain’s not perfect, and we will never eradicate all human prejudice.”

This is especially true when we do not understand that prejudice. Another interesting choice from David Cameron.

Ruby Stockham is a staff writer at Left Foot Forward. Follow her on Twitter

398 Responses to “He thinks feminists are ‘obnoxious bigots’: meet the new justice minister”

  1. cyberspice

    You sir are an idiot. If we were given the chance to the roles you’re talking about we would do them. Me. I don’t have kids. I’m a senior consultant. I’m an engineer and scientist. I do the same job as others and get paid less. Actually I’m one of the best people in my industry and I get paid less. I worked in the construction industry at University. I’m a climber. I play roller derby. I’m not frightened of dangerous jobs or little men like you.

    But if you want to believe what you want to believe then fine. Because quite frankly your opinion is meaningless and worthless. Believe what you want to believe and go home and cry about how sad your life is and I’ll continue to push for rights for all. One day people like you will die out and I’ll be dancing on your grave.

  2. cyberspice

    Oh and since you don’t think its misogynistic to heckle a woman about their appearance as they mind their own business in the street can I just say you are one ugly fuck and you’re probably anti women because you can’t get laid.

  3. Rex Duis

    Whoah. That’s some chip you’ve got on your shoulder there.
    Are you sure its not your bad attitude that’s resulting in lower pay than your colleagues?

    I’m just a ‘little man’ who’s self employed so I told my clients my rates were going up after Xmas. I gave myself a pay rise.

    Since your such a towering intellect I find it surprising you aren’t able to use that mouth of yours to fight for equality for all and y’know, ask your employers why you get less money? The answer might surprise you….

    So, you say I’m sad and moaning but isn’t that what you just did for your whole sad rant Ms rock climbing roller skating engineer scientist at the top of her game?

    Clearly if a person with your levels of low self esteem has to troll a low rate forum such as this and look forward to dancing on peoples graves, then you must have only risen to the lofty heights you achieved with the help of female quotas.

    Honestly I’m not sure If I believe you or not. Feminists are well known for inventing rapes and lies and other things which appear to thinly paper over the gaping maw of logic and reason missing from today’s iteration of the movement. You write like a camp gay man actually, it wouldn’t surprise me if you just made the whole thing up.

    Live long and prosper. x

  4. Rex Duis

    I’m gay sweetiepie… I wasn’t born that way but I likely turned when I looked around and saw ‘women’ like you and realised that was all I had to look forward to. Honestly I don’t know how straight guys put up with some much shit for a ‘lil pussy.

    Oh P.S. Your comments are all anecdotal ‘evidence’ and therefore dismissable according to Feminist debating 101.

  5. Anti_Femastasis

    Longer hours is the pay gap.

    There are more factors why women earn less: Women prefer smaller companies, prefer office jobs (coffee machine radius), prefer not to travel (exhibitions), are ill more often, prefer non-dangerous jobs etc.

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