Nigel Farage insists that UKIP is not a racist party. So why does it attract so many racists?
After one of his councillors was filmed saying she had a ‘problem with people with negroid features’, UKIP leader Nigel Farage stated today that:
“I haven’t seen the film but she is alleged, and she confirmed to us, that she had made a series of racist comments that is at odds with what we stand for.”
Rozanne Duncan may have been expelled from the UKIP, but scandals like this are no longer an exception to the party rule. Here are 15 other times that ‘racist comments’ have come from the heart of UKIP:
1. Last May UKIP member Ken Chapman, hoping to be elected to Amber Valley Borough Council in Derbyshire, wrote the following post:
“islam is a cancer that needs eradicating multiculturism does not work in this country clear them all off to the desert with their camals that’s their way of life.”
2. UKIP was forced to sack newly elected councillor Dave Small after just six days, when Facebook posts from 2012 surfaced, including this:
“I visiting the city of Birmingham recently and felt like a foreigner in the city of my birth, all around me I could hear the sound of jabbering in an alien voice … we also have the Pakistani’ and the Somali’s. Tell me Mr Cameron Why? the men wear their Pyjamas.”
3. In 2013 UKIP MEP Godfrey Bloom famously said that the UK should stop providing aid to ‘bongo bongo Land’, and that the aid was being used to buy designer sunglasses and Parisian apartments. He may have toned down the language, but this Tweet from 15 February shows that Bloom hasn’t changed:
It is deeply immoral to fund foreign aid with £1.8 trillion of debt & rising.Borrowing money from our children is plain wrong,ABOLISH IT NOW
— Godfrey Bloom (@goddersbloom) February 15, 2015
4. Last year UKIP was forced to distance itself from local council candidate James Elgar after the discovery of tweets like this:
#ThingsAsianBoysDo groom and rape underage white girls, stab and rob innocent old white people, bomb innocent white people #EctEctEct [sic]”
Elgar’s father insisted that his son ‘came home at 10.30 pm with a curry’ the day the story broke.
5. Last April UKIP suspended Andre Lampitt, the star of its European Election TV campaign, after he tweeted:
“Most Nigerians are generally bad people… I grew up in Africa and dare anyone to prove me wrong.”
6. After comedian Lenny Henry said there should be more black and ethnic minority people in creative industries, candidate William Henwood said that Henry should move to a ‘black country’.
7. Joseph Quirk, former UKIP candidate for Boldon Colliery Ward on South Tyneside Council has shared anti-Semitic material claiming that Jewish Bankers financed Hitler, Soviet Communism and 9/11. There’s also this from November:
“Well, I reckon dogs are more intelligent, better company and certainly better behaved than most Muslims.”
8. Gerard Batten, UKIP’s chief whip and immigration spokesman, believes that all UK Muslims should sign up to a special code of conduct, and wants mosque building to be banned.
9. Camden UKIP chairman Magnus Nielsen made headlines after describing Islam as ‘organised crime’. Now standing for Hampstead and Kilburn, Nielsen says that his ‘great aim’ is to licence mosques. Asked if he would prescribe the same for Jewish and Christian places of worship, he said that this would not be necessary.
10. Former Offerton councillor Harry Perry’s Twitter feed is astonishing. As well as prolific sharing of material about the ‘sin of feminism’ and the ‘disease’ of homosexuality, Perry is obsessed with the idea of ‘white genocide’:
Don’t forget about step two of White Genocide: Genetic assimilation via forced integration — Harry Perry (@harryperry15) February 16, 2015
and has a rabid hatred of Islam:
the nazis; a warning from history-is there any difference between the islamic ideology and the nazis? — Harry Perry (@harryperry15) January 10, 2015
11. Plymouth UKIP candidate Ron Northcott believes that premier league football teams should be limited to two foreign players. His Twitter account is a treasure trove of bizzare anti-Scottish (‘jock’) bile and calls to reclaim the country.
Asian Muslims groom our white girls, now they rape our boys. Jordanian Paralympians commit sex offences. We need to reclaim our country — Ron Northcott UKIP (@RonNorthcott) August 22, 2012
12. After the death of Nelson Mandela, West London UKIP member David William Griffiths wrote in the members-only forum that some people were ‘intended by nature’ to be slaves. Meanwhile Pamela Preedy, secretary of UKIP’s Redcar branch, questioned why Mandela’s death had received so much coverage since he ‘had nothing to do with Britain’.
13. Newport East candidate Donald Grewar was forced to resign last month after he apparently backed a post by the EDL, calling for ‘no surrender to militant Islam or political correctness’.
14. Diane James is UKIP MEP for the South East of England and has said that Romanians are naturally associated with crime:
“On 1 January 2014 the floodgates will open for Bulgarian and Romanian citizens [to come to Britain].
“We are not just talking about pressure on services from immigration but also, and I have to say it, the crime associated with Romanians.”
15. In 2013, the then Stourport-on-Severn councillor Eric Kitson was questioned by police after he shared anti-Muslim cartoons on Facebook. In one particularly memorable post he said of Muslim women: ‘Hang um all first then ask questions later.’
Ruby Stockham is a staff writer at Left Foot Forward. Follow her on Twitter
293 Responses to “Is UKIP a racist party? These 15 comments would suggest so”
Silvia Vousden
But UKIP gives the press so much to work with.
Mike Stallard
Two helpful comments:
Older people like me grew up in the British Empire where all the naughty words were quite normally used. I am just reading Evelyn Waugh’s Scoop. Try reading it if you disbelieve me. Older people now make up the great mass of the English population. Of course we talk like out of date people!
Immigrants talk a different language, so chatting is very difficult. They have different rights and wrongs, so many of them do the most shocking things. (Rochdale?) They have different standards of hygiene (spitting?). Also they are quite often arrogant and rude too. (Queue jumping, walking line abreast through supermarkets pushing my wife out of the way). Islamists behave appallingly badly: other Muslims stand by and do nothing much.
I am able to speak my mind without offence (I hope). Several people are not able to do that and they put their foot in it. But there is a huge mountain of worry about immigration, I can tell you, and if you cannot see it and deal with it, then you will never get anyone’s respect.
Mike Stallard
Actually this is too simplistic. Mum dominates a young child until they are about five. Her religion is taught by all sorts of clever and innocent ways. Singing, chatting, protecting… So there is a lot of negative freedom there.
In Islam, if you go back on your religion you lose not only your family, but also all your uncles and aunts and brothers and sisters. If you are a woman, you are likely, in some forms of the religion, to get hurt.
The term “British jobs for British workers” covers all religions and minorities who have British nationality and was designed to stop the exploitation of imported cheap labour by business people.
This is a bit different opposed to the UKIP statement about legalising discrimination.
So in my mind they are not exactly the same.
Tell you what, we would be cream crackered in the health service, other services and industries if this ever happens.
Why is the government having to look abroad for health workers ?
Going back to the original thread, why then are so many racists attracted to UKIP? Have they misread the policies ?
There seems to be one a week being sacked or resigning
Ukip would have picked on them both as they originated from Africa