UKIP policies: dangerous, costly and yes, racist

We don’t need to go trawling through old manifestos and historic statements; it’s right there on their website.

We don’t need to go trawling through old manifestos and historic statements; it’s right there on their website

The establishment’s UKIP strategy is failing, and failing badly.

Gaffe after gaffe have done nothing to dampen the party’s appeal, and the latest musical travesty won’t either.

You can expect to hear the phrase ‘more Tory than the Tories’ more and more over the next few months, and this has some value for Labour as a UKIP strategy.

It will work up to a point, but UKIP are likely to offer some lefty-sounding policies in their manifesto to defend themselves when campaigning in traditionally Labour seats.

The evidence base for ‘more Tory than the Tories’ is largely UKIP’s 2010 manifesto, historic statements from senior Kippers, as well as ad hominem attacks on members and donors.

This is a legitimate line of attack, but will be superseded when UKIP releases its next manifesto, which will undoubtedly be less obviously ‘Tory’ than the last.

However, hope is not lost. Instead of (or at least alongside) attacking UKIP for things they’ve disowned, Labour can attack UKIP’s current policies – and there is more ammunition here than you might think.

Making a positive case for immigration or EU membership is difficult to put on a leaflet or turn into a sound bite, but attacking these is simple enough:

1) ‘Locally-elected County Health Boards to inspect hospitals – to avoid another Stafford Hospital crisis’

UKIP want to create a whole new layer of politicians? I thought they were ‘anti-politics’? No. In fact, UKIP want to repeat the disaster of elected Police & Crime Commissioners, except rather than just one new politician for each area, they want a whole board. If we guess that these boards would be made up of around five to 10 people in each of over 80 counties/unitary authorities, that’s between 400 and 800 more politicians.

A vote for UKIP is a vote for more top-down reorganisation of the NHS and more taxpayer money spent on politicians’ salaries.

2) ‘Immigrants must financially support themselves and their dependents for 5 years. This means private health insurance (except emergency medical care), private education and private housing – they should pay into the pot before they take out of it’

So UKIP want to starve the NHS of the millions it receives every year from charges to patients from overseas? In 2010-11, Great Ormond Street hospital alone took in in over £20 million in charges to foreign patients. Under UKIP, all of that money would go into private hands.

What else would it mean? Clogged up A&E departments, ambulance services put under even more strain and millions wasted as EU migrants wait until they need emergency care to get treatment. Worse still, for all Farage’s fears about immigrants bringing in HIV, exemptions for communicable diseases would be scrapped. Vote UKIP, get ebola.

3) ‘Prioritise social housing for people whose parents and grandparents were born locally’

Yep, I’m going to use that word. This is a racist policy and a new spin on a longstanding BNP commitment. Discriminating against someone because their grandparents weren’t born locally means discriminating against the vast, vast majority of black people in this country, and the vast majority of people of Asian descent. Grandparents were Jewish refugees? No housing for you.

It would affect many people identifying as ‘White British’ too, causing huge damage to the economy as people in settled jobs in one part of the country have to quit and move to another area to access housing.

Skin colour doesn’t have to be in the wording of the law for it to be racist: if the reality is that virtually all BME citizens are discriminated against in access to housing, there’s no doubt in my mind. I don’t think the vast majority of UKIP supporters are racist. I don’t even think Nigel Farage is a racist, despite those comments about Romanians. But this is a racist policy, and we should let people know.


These aren’t the typical left-wing attacks that UKIP is used to brushing off, or the hubristic dismissals we are used to hearing from the right. These are calm responses to ridiculous policies that voters of all persuasions will want to hear. They shatter the illusion of UKIP as the party of ‘common sense’. They are the party of extra politicians, communicable disease, private healthcare, private education and discrimination.

Charlie Cadywould is currently completing an MSc in Public Policy at UCL focusing on labour markets and regulation

134 Responses to “UKIP policies: dangerous, costly and yes, racist”

  1. Chris

    Lots of name calling and unsupported logically flawed opinion. Fantastic writing. Congrats Charlie

  2. Angus McCoatup

    So what’s racist about the reality of UKIP policy that they supposedly don’t have?

  3. NigelCE

    Labour can blame themselves and their Tory sparring partners for the rise of UKIP. Simply shouting rude names like ‘racist’ at UKIP will not make them go away. Why is it racist to want to limit the population growth of an overcrowded country? Why is it racist to limit the rate of cultural change?
    It is obvious from Charlie Cadywould’s words that Labour are only interested in discrediting UKIP and getting Labour voted in. What the people of the UK want is way down the list. It is the same old pattern of Tory and Labour politicians who think they know better than we do what is good for us and they are damn well going to give it to us whether we like it or not.
    They have got away for too long with this punch and judy show which limits our choices between a suit with a red rosette and one with a blue rosette. They are currently squabbling over the same square at the centre ground of British politics – and for centre ground read – NO CHANGE.
    I’m trying to encourage everyone I know to vote for any party they fancy other than the Tory/Labour axis of disempowerment. UKIP? fine, Greens? great, Socialist Workers? who cares… just take the mandate away from Cameron and Miliband.

  4. Bob Dawkins

    Wouldn’t it be nice if just for once, Miliband and his cronies could stop making up propaganda nonsense, and discuss live on TV… You know debate? 🙂 Of course this is not possible, because all of Labour including Miliband, know that the truth would come out. THAT is why Miliband keeps on saying some time before, “YES I LOOK FORWARDS TO THE DEBATE WITH NIGEL”, and every time it comes close to that date…. Miliband may as well say, “Oh sorry I’m washing my hair”. Miliband is a failed leader, he has brought nothing to this county, and he has nothing to give either. If there were any truth in Labours words, they would have their leader stand up with Nigel Farage and speak truthfully, honestly and LIVE in front of all the public to witness. Nigel’s waiting for you Miliband, you absolute disgraceful coward. STOP your name calling and hiding behind your corrupt establishment. STOP spreading rumours about good people, JUST because you will lose that big salary you clearly don’t deserve. GET UP and start doing your job properly, or get the hell out of our countries political system!!! VOTE UKIP!

  5. Bob Dawkins

    Very reasonable and sensible comment. What you expressed, are the exact reasons I could never vote for Labour. Labour simply dismiss any and everyone who is not them, accusing them of racism when it’s clearly not, and many other ridiculous rhetoric accusations they promote to their delusional, stuck dead fast without reason supporters. Now I’ve studied politics every single day over the last year and a half, and I have absolutely no doubt in my mind I will be voting proudly for UKIP. There is no question about this having met a good handful of councillors across the country, speaking with Nigel himself, and debating with many very respectable and honest caring people in the UKIP community. No party is perfect, but UKIP is the closest party to this description, and I will be doing all in my power to promote UKIPS success, and transmute this into power. Thankyou.

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