POLL: Should Britain take part in military action against IS?

Should Britain take part in military action against IS? Or are we best of out of it?

Should Britain take part in military action against IS? Or are we best of out of it?

Foreign secretary Philip Hammond is to meet foreign ministers in London today to discuss plans to deal with the so-called Islamic State (IS).

David Cameron has said the UK will ‘hunt down’ the killers of aid worker David Haines, who was murdered over the weekend by IS militants. But the prime minister has yet to spell out exactly what form that action will take.

So we want your view: should Britain take part in military action against IS? Or are we best of out of it? Cast your vote. Result will be published later this week.

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17 Responses to “POLL: Should Britain take part in military action against IS?”

  1. Astrid Fernandez


  2. Ian Graham

    None of the options offered reflects my view, in simple ‘counting’ terms. I think for the moment we should continue what we are doing – ie humanitarian support, and a cautious equipping of local anti-Isis forces.

  3. jack johnson

    We should get involved with air strikes and SAS to eliminate the threat of IS barbarians and
    rescue hostages if possible.

  4. swat

    NO. It requires a Regional solution. I’d rather have Muslims killing Muslims, than Hindus or Christians or Jews or Sikhs. The Arabs Turks and Iranians should shoulder the responsibility.

  5. treborc1

    Yes we cannot now allow the mess Blair made to get even worse, this group of people think they are ready for war so give it to them if they want it.
    I’m sure the Americans and the UK have already got boots on the ground with special forces and I hope they have already pin pointed these criminals. The problem for us is arming the people in Iraq will I’m sure end up with another civil war.

    But ISIS is a group of people that we need to end and fast. if it was not for Iraq and Blair and Bush I doubt these people would have risen up.

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