Why do David Cameron and the Eurosceptics hate European Union measures that protect workers' rights? Here are some of the key rights workers' may lose.
It’s exactly a week since David Cameron delivered his Europe speech, vowing to renegotiate various European Union directives and hold a referendum, much to the delight of the Tory backbenchers and right-wing press – but why do they hate EU measures that protect workers’ rights? Here are some of the rights you stand to lose if the sceptics get their way…
Check out stopemploymentwrongs.org and follow @TUCrights for more.
See also:
• Cameron’s Europe speech – European reaction – January 23rd, 2013
• Comment: YES to a referendum, YES to a better Europe – January 23rd, 2013
• Watch: Cameron and Miliband talk Europe, Europe, Europe at PMQs – January 23rd, 2013
5 Responses to “Why does Cameron hate the working time directive? Here are some of the key rights workers’ may lose”
And people who want the right to work longer hours, they lose their right to earn money.
Denise Smith
Nope, if they want to work more than 48 hours they always could
Absolutely – except in professions where safety is an issue like truck driving, you’ve always been able to opt-out and work more hours.
100 years of struggle given away in a matter of months, when will we learn?
Sandi Dunn
Share the work around and get back to your family – we need a 4 day 35 hour week