Comment: IDS and the DWP can run, but they can’t hide

Sue Marsh writes about the DWP's refusal to send anyone on the radio to debate her on the ESA cuts.

I’ve just heard the Department for Work and Pensions has refused to send anyone to Radio 4’s You and Yours show on BBC Radio 4 tomorrow (12 noon) to defend and debate with me the changes we exposed in #esaSOS.

Despite leading barristers saying they are illegal and professors of medicine saying they are immoral and unworkable, the DWP haven’t answered a single point we raised. Again.

It’s remarkable. People are suffering – 140,000 people have been proven to have been unfairly stripped of their livelihood. We challenge them, they don’t even deny we’re right, but they sit there in their ivory towers and say, “so sue us”.

Well, DWP, we will and if you think I’ll stop at defeating you on ESA you’re wrong. I’ll make sure every last one of you is held personally accountable for the horrific assault you’re inflicting on vulnerable people in the UK who need you most.

In the next few weeks, I will release stories proving you are liars and cheats. I promise, you will not be able to hide from these. You will have no defence, no one to blame but yourselves. And yes, I’ll do it from my hospital bed, and yes, I’ll do it fed into my central line, and yes, I will win.

And think on this DWP – you’ve left me the whole show to say what I like unopposed.

This article was originally published on Sue’s blog, “Diary of a Benefit Scrounger”; follow Sue on Twitter: @suey2y.

See also:

ESA SOS: Another day, another attack on disabled peopleJanuary 17th, 2013

64 Responses to “Comment: IDS and the DWP can run, but they can’t hide”

  1. Newsbot9

    He’s a politician or a paid shill, tbh

  2. Newsbot9

    Yes, taking the landholders cash could easily plug the hole overnight. Thanks for not knowing the stats. Back in reality, you’re trying to socialise your costs onto the poor again.

    You’re still using your crooked stats on the pension (actually 2.6k, or 1.9k if you don’t abolish other pensions with your figures). The pension bill is on the books and paid out of current spending, of course.

    And no, your 1% are still doing fine, not being shafted.

  3. Newsbot9

    Yes, keep claiming that the state doesn’t have assets…You’re the wrong sort of clown. Simply because YOU don’t pay tax doesn’t mean others don’t do.

    That you want to be able to get disability cash on top of your unearned income is typical. And of course you’ll use the army on the people as you use your crooked statistics, fraud. It’s the only way you know to balance the books!

  4. Timmo111

    If labour had put up the top rate of tax to what it is now they might not of had to borrow billions or waste billions on pfi which has resulted in the mess we are now in.

  5. Mason Dixon, Autistic

    Yeah I’m starting to see a pattern here. The topic of the thread wasn’t what you wanted it to be, but you’ve sure tried damn hard to make sure it is.

    Keep arguing with yourself if you want though.

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