Comment: IDS and the DWP can run, but they can’t hide

Sue Marsh writes about the DWP's refusal to send anyone on the radio to debate her on the ESA cuts.

I’ve just heard the Department for Work and Pensions has refused to send anyone to Radio 4’s You and Yours show on BBC Radio 4 tomorrow (12 noon) to defend and debate with me the changes we exposed in #esaSOS.

Despite leading barristers saying they are illegal and professors of medicine saying they are immoral and unworkable, the DWP haven’t answered a single point we raised. Again.

It’s remarkable. People are suffering – 140,000 people have been proven to have been unfairly stripped of their livelihood. We challenge them, they don’t even deny we’re right, but they sit there in their ivory towers and say, “so sue us”.

Well, DWP, we will and if you think I’ll stop at defeating you on ESA you’re wrong. I’ll make sure every last one of you is held personally accountable for the horrific assault you’re inflicting on vulnerable people in the UK who need you most.

In the next few weeks, I will release stories proving you are liars and cheats. I promise, you will not be able to hide from these. You will have no defence, no one to blame but yourselves. And yes, I’ll do it from my hospital bed, and yes, I’ll do it fed into my central line, and yes, I will win.

And think on this DWP – you’ve left me the whole show to say what I like unopposed.

This article was originally published on Sue’s blog, “Diary of a Benefit Scrounger”; follow Sue on Twitter: @suey2y.

See also:

ESA SOS: Another day, another attack on disabled peopleJanuary 17th, 2013

64 Responses to “Comment: IDS and the DWP can run, but they can’t hide”

  1. wonderperson

    Here here! See ‘ The Bonfire of the Liberties: New Labour, Human Rights and The Rule of Law’ Keith Ewing

  2. wonderperson

    This Govt as was the New Labour one before it keeps on doing things under the radar to avoid protest and democratic accountability.

  3. Carl Fenn

    Yes they are oushing people into povert, I have witnessed severe maladministration of the law in the DWP office, wrongfull advice to deprive
    people of benefits, benefits illegally stoped, and claimants made to reclaim and
    then put on another benefit, when the truth comes out we are going to see
    a lot of illegal activities have been used to cut buget.

  4. LB

    I’ve no doubt its tough. That’s the whole point of it.

    Unless you have an objective test, that’s consistently applied across the board, then people will be denied benefits when they need them, and the converse, people will get benefits they shouldn’t.

    For the evidence, such as the numbers not turning up its clear the test was long overdue.

    Similarly, the number of appeals that succeed is also what you would expect. It’s because the population appealing is representative of the population as a whole.

    Where I do see issues is with people who have intermittent conditions. However, here I’ve challenged people like you to come up with a test that means they get help when they need it, and no help when they don’t. So far no-one has proposed an objective test.

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